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Monday, February 04, 2008

No Citizens Allowed!!!


Property Tax vs Consumption Tax

Single Mexican MomPoor Little Mexican girl

The United States, is quickly moving towards a Consumption Tax System (CTS), as opposed to a Property Tax System (PTS), but to what end?

When talking about American society, and the policies our government now holds true.

We wonder, just how things could have gotten so Bad.

Mexican Nationals in Dallas City Fountain

Criminals freely roam our streets and neighborhoods as our criminal justice system has become so corrupt, that the bad guys are always getting away with murder. While the good guys, or at least, those who Try to be good; are always the ones who are caught and punished (guilty or not).

Mexican Nationals Storm Dallas City HallOur Borders are open. So that the criminals roaming our streets aren’t even supposed to be here to start with. Yet, we can’t afford to deport them, as we Need these criminals to Prop Up our Faltering economy. And “Don’t even think about Prosecuting a criminal illegal *immigrant*”, for Any sort of crime. As you will yourself, Be prosecuted, and Condemned. Just like our Border Patrol Agents who are not only caught between a rock and a hard place, but who are being CRUSHED by our government. Arrested and Prosecuted for Protecting our borders.

Our shores are docked with Foreign ships, bringing in sub-standard merchandise made in foreign countries. And Not, by the sweat of Free men, but with the Blood of Slaves. They call them “Sweat Houses”. And the women of our country weep, “Oh those poor people. I’m gonna write my congressman. Right after I get back from Walmart.”

Oh but don’t blame the citizen who shops Walmart. Blame Walmart! For they should raise their prices, and buy Only American! And they did, for a while. But now, there isn’t anything Made in America anymore. It’s all been shipped oversees to Foreign manufacturers so that the “poor, third world countries” might have the things, we Use to have. And so that Mexico, can make enough money to Keep Their citizens in Mexico.

Item after item. Page after page. Betrayal after betrayal. Our government has Failed us.

How our government failed us, is easy to see. Instituting the policies of the Poor, America is now mandated to “Propping Up the Poor”. Even at the expense, of the Working man’s Toil and Sweat and Blood and Tears.

AMERICANS, especially RICH Americans (those who Work for a living), MUST HAVE PITY ON THE POOR!!!

More than a policy, it is a Morality forced upon us by Bleeding heart Liberals. And which, Punishes those who do good, and rewards those who do Nothing. A policy of the poor and the weak, it is a Morality of Shame, and Guilt, and Condemnation, and Death, as the poor, will Never lift a finger to save your child who is suffering from cancer. No! Instead, they will Damn those who do work, and Wash their own hands of the responsibility.

In deed and in spirit, America “Use to be”, a nation of the Strong! of the Brave! And yes, even a nation of the Rich. Now however, we are a nation of the Weak, of Cowards, of the Sick, and yes, we are now a nation of the Poor.

Death to Anglos.

But again, “HOW” could it have gotten this way???
The answer is in front of us, but it is not easy.

For I remember, when there was a time when,
Only Land/Home owners could Vote in the elections.

Now ANYBODY can Vote!
Even Illegal Aliens can vote.
As our voting supervisors,
are Not even Allowed to Validate a voter’s status.

Since that time, and even before, we have been moving Away from Land/Homeowner (Property) Taxes. And instituting instead, the “Consumer” tax. Oh it may have sounded good at the time. And it may even sound good now. But the repercussions of such a “relinquishing of responsibility”, is exactly why, and How, and why, Foreign Nationals are now in control of America.

What? Wanna say something? Wanna Bitch about the way things are? Well forget it! For you are now nothing more than, “just another tax payer”. And in Today’s America, that makes you Worthless, as there are Millions to Replace you. And most of them, are Foreign Nationals as a Consumer Tax, does not discriminate one from another. Citizen, from foe.

More and more we see the implementation of “Imminent Domain”. In deed, hundreds of Thousands of land/homeowners will be thrown off their lands and out of their homes because, their taxes, are no longer needed. They, are no longer needed. For America, is a nation, of immigrants. And there are…,

No United States Citizens, Allowed!

Mexican Nationals Storm Los Angelos

So if you really want to save this country.

Bring back the Property Tax!
And Abolish the Consumption Tax!

But don’t upset the “Aliens” who pay their taxes,

every time they buy a beer,

get drunk,

and go out and Kill one of our citizens.

Welcome to Mexico, Land of the Poor!

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