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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

UFOs in Texas: The environmental implications of aliens

Trash Dispatch: from,

In case you haven’t heard, rumor has it there’s some UFOs flying around over Texas. While normally extraterrestrial spacecraft are spotted by buck-toothed oddballs from the middle of the nowhere, this sighting comes from a bunch of seemingly normal people — like business owners, pilots, and even police officers.

But the real question is: what does the mean for our planet? If aliens can fly all the way here in super-sleek, impossible-to-detect intergalactic orbs, surely they have the technology to power their lives without spewing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere — right?…

… Admittedly this isn’t exactly a mainstream theory, but at least one person smart enough to earn a PhD believes that: “There is substantial evidence to suggest that reverse engineered ET technologies have been used in the development of energy sources for ‘black projects’ such as the anti-gravity propulsion system that is claimed to fuel the B2 bomber.”

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Trash Dispatch: It’s the “Transformers”, Man! Didn’t you see? All of our modern technology, cell phones, computers, even ipods, were all reversed engineered by studying, Megatron!

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