Trash Dispatch: Reuters in a story by Paul de Bendern and Evren Mesci, stated; "ANKARA - NATO member Turkey recalled its ambassador to the United States for consultations on Thursday after a vote in a U.S. congressional committee branded killings of Armenians by Ottoman Turks genocide. The committee's decision is expected to weaken U.S. influence over Turkey at a time when the government is considering a military incursion into mainly Kurdish northern Iraq to fight Kurdish rebels."
Stop: The fact that Turkey recalled it's Ambassador to the United States is in deed, Very Serious!
Generally, while withdrawing an ambassador from the United Nations is usally done in protest of the United Nations, a country will not withdraw an ambassador from another country unless, there is a threat of War. (note: just as the United States withdrew it's ambassador to Iraq, just before the "Shock and Awe" of a Non-Violent War precluding the fact, that most wars "are" violent.)
However, and even More important than any war with Turkey (especially since Turkey has Never been a True allie in the war against Saddam Hussien), is the latter half of the second paragragh in the Reuter's report, which says; "the government is considering a military incursion into mainly Kurdish northern Iraq to fight Kurdish rebels."
The Kurds, in fact, have always been accepting, and even helpful in the dismanteling of Saddam Hussien's government. So why would the United States allow, or even entertain the notion of a Turkish Invasion into Northern Iraq?
"Turkey's prime minister will ask parliament next week to authorize a military push although analysts say a large cross-border operation remains unlikely."
Stop: If Turkey invades Iraq, or even if they simply look cross-eyed at our Kurdish friends in the north of Iraq, ... we should Kill Them ALL!!!
Yeah, I know. That statement portrays me as a "War Monger". But the truth behind the failure of the United States to "quickly" win the war in Iraq, is for that very reason. For "IF", the United States had gone in there and Bombed ALL of Iraq, we would not now be Bogged Down in a war that is Now unpopular. Nevertheless, as Americans like to see themselves as being "different" from the rest of the world, the term "Unconditional Surrender of the defeated country", is no longer a part of the American vocabulary as the defeated nation, might become, offended.
And speaking of offense. Just what is it, that has so offended Turkey, that they would go so far as to pull their ambassador out of the United States? Well...
"The U.S. House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee approved on Wednesday a resolution branding the killings during World War One as genocide." "The issue of the Armenian massacres is deeply sensitive in Turkey, where it is a crime to portray them as "genocide". "
Stop: and cut off my Big Toe that I might be offended. But wait! That's not enough! For not only do you have to cut off my Big Toe, but now you have to Deny doing it! Otherwise, if you were to Confess your sin, I would have to forgive you, and be not offended.
Deny that you did it however. And you Cannot be forgiven. For even as forgiveness is "freely given", so too it must be "Freely Accepted".
"Ankara rejects the Armenian position, backed by many Western historians and some foreign parliaments, that up to 1.5 million Armenians suffered genocide at the hands of Ottoman Turks. Turkey says many Muslim Turks died alongside Christian Armenians in inter-ethnic conflict as the Ottoman Empire collapsed."
and further;
"A Turkish official told Reuters the commander of Turkey's powerful navy, Admiral Metin Atac, had cancelled a visit to Washington in retaliation over the U.S. bill."
(who cares?)
"Anti-U.S. sentiment has steadily risen in Turkey, partly because of what Turks regard as an unfair portrayal of Turks during World War One, but also because of what they say is a failure by the U.S. and Iraq to crack down on some 3,000 Kurdish rebels based in northern Iraq."
"Last month Turkey signed an anti-terror agreement with Iraq in an attempt to halt these Kurdish guerrilla attacks. Turkish military officials said Kurdish rebels killed 13 soldiers in fighting on Sunday in Sirnak province, which borders Iraq."
Stop: Now this I can see! If the United States is allowing Kurds to attack Turkey, then this is something that needs to be dealt with. And swiftly. However, since Turkey is at least "partially" responsible for the failure of the United States to secure Iraq, in that they *would NOT allow us to use their bases in the initial invasion of Iraq*, -thereby Causing an insufficient number of troops to be deployed to Northern Iraq in the first place- then, *Skrew em*. As they have brought it on themselves.
Besides, and even as I said at the beginning. If the Turks, refuse to accept (confess) responsibility for 1.5 million Armenian deaths. Then How, should they be forgiven?
[link] Reuters: Turkey recalls ambassador to U.S. over Armenians

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Thursday, October 11, 2007
Trash Dispatch: Turkey recalls ambassador to U.S. over Armenians
Posted by Trash Dispatch at 10/11/2007 04:44:00 PM -Permalink-
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