"The report says construction could begin by 2011, pending final environmental clearance to determine the ultimate alignment of TTC-35." HA! Now this takes the cake. So now let me get this straight. If a "Legal Land Owning Citizen" is in the way of this project, the government will move them out of the way by moving them out of their homes, and off their farms with no consideration given to their "roots" in the land or even to their survival, as they are nothing more than humans anyway, AND YET, "eviromentally", IF the Trans Texas Corridor threatens the "Spotted Owl" or the "Snail Darter" or some Other insignificant life form; well then That's Different! And in deed the projected course of the TTC will have to be re-routed. (hmmm? do I see a method here?) "The TTC-35 master development plan, which took 16 months to complete, envisions a parallel alternative toll road to I-35 funded by the private sector." "In 2004, Cintra-Zachry—a consortium led by Spanish and Texas firms—identified a plan to relieve congestion on I-35 by investing $6 billion to build a state-owned toll road from east of San Antonio to the Dallas-Fort Worth area and to pay the state $1.2 billion for the investment opportunity." "The Texas Transportation Commission authorized TxDOT staff to enter into discussions with Cintra-Zachry to produce a master development and financial plan. Work on the plan has been ongoing separately, but parallel to, the environmental process." Privately (foreign) funded TOLL Roads, with the Power of Eminent Domain. That's just great!
Mexican Super Highway (Trans Texas Corridor) Moving Ahead!
Despite objections.
In this release from TxDOT (Texas Department of Transportation), TxDOT cites;
"Acknowledging that Texans and ultimately the Federal Highway Administration will have the final say, the Texas Department of Transportation released on September 28th a plan proposing the first phase of Trans-Texas Corridor 35 (TTC-35) including a connection to Interstate 35 south of San Antonio and a long-sought loop for the Dallas-Fort Worth area."
"Long Sought"? ...By who, or whom, you might ask?
Certainly by no self respecting citizen of the United States.
Nor by any citizen of Texas, for sure!
Neither by any citizen of the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex as No citizen, or person, in their right mind, would wish Eminent Domain on any other person. But we are not dealing with persons or even citizens is this Take-Over of American soil, but with Mexican Nationals including but not limited to, President George Bush, and Texas Governor Rick (Land Grab) Perry!

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Thursday, October 11, 2007
Trans Texas Corrodor Moving Ahead
Posted by Trash Dispatch at 10/11/2007 06:10:00 AM -Permalink-
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