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Sunday, August 07, 2005

Space Shuttle Failure Planned?

"Failure Is Not An Option": Those historic and "faith-filled" words spoken by former NASA Director Gene Krantz, may now be falling on deaf ears at NASA as now Another Space Shuttle Fails.

With a problem so Simple as Form insulation falling off the the main booster, "How is it that, in the intrest of Cost and the continuance of the Space Shuttle program; and yes, even in the intrest of continuing the Space Program itself; "NASA has Not Fixed the Problem???"

Oh, "we Tried", they say. But have they really?

I mean, what could be more SIMPLE, and more Cost EFFECTIVE, than just Putting a SOCK on it!!!

In other words, "Why, does NASA not just encapsulate the Main Booster in a Sock or more precisely, in a "NYLON STOCKING", which being "Shear", would not significantly add to the weight of the shuttle, and Would in Fact, Prevent the shedding of foam, and consequintly SAVE the Shuttle tiles, not to mention the shuttle program itself?"

No. I am NOT a scientist!
I am a Procrastinator. So much so that I have never done anything in life, but write this article. But as it "Takes One, to Know One", I Know procastination, when I see it. (Hence the accusation of "Planned Failure".)

For as procastination comes not without reason, and as NASA Refuses to "KISS" (Keep it Simple Stupid), then, I am given no other option but to "Suspect", and to ask the question, "WHY???"

On CNN, FOX, NBC, ABC, CBS, and every other news medium in the world and in the internet, the question is being asked; "Should the Space Shuttle be Scrapped?"

WHO, could ever even Conceive such a thing but,

Have the Muslims somehow "infiltrated" the Space Program? Or at a minimum, the Politics behind the Space Program? I mean, EVERYBODY KNOWS the Muslims want us All, hearding Sheep.

In truth, however. I feel that I should point out that it is Not that the Muslims want Americans to heard sheep, but that they want us, AS their sheep! And that they Know, that the Best way to accomplish this, is to "Take Away Our Dreams".

Dream Deprivation! A method of Brain Washing used by Govenments the world over and first exposed to the public in a movie called, "The Manchurian Canidate", is, in the world of the "occult", known as Witch "Craft". A concoction of evil, a "potion" if you will; that is meant to Manipulate, and/or even Control, circumstances and events.

Don't Believe Me?
Then Why have we Not Yet, reached Mars?
And Why,
have we not attempted to land a Shuttle on the Moon???????????

And Why IS IT; that we can't even get a Ship off the ground??? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Conspiracy? Witch Craft? Or just plain o Islam?


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