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Thursday, August 18, 2005

NASA's SECRET Project cause of Space Shuttle Failure

In an Oct 7 2005, Trash Dispatch Post, (LINK)
I asked the question,

"Was the Space Shuttle Failure Planned?"

In that post,
I questioned the 2yr, $2billion, hietas of the Space Shuttle,
and how it could possibly have resulted in Apparent Failure,
especially when the FIX is so simple that, "I" thought of it.

I even posted the FIX so that NASA could continue with no more delays.
(not that they read The Trash Dispatch, but they Should!)

Today however, Fox News is reporting:
NASA: Shuttle Grounded Until 2006

No doubt, they will be Needing More Money!
Which makes me wonder,
"Does NASA have a SECRET Project???"
"Is that the Real cause of the Space Shuttle Failure, as Nasa Profits from failures?

If so, then I suspect that I will soon be taken to jail.
If not, then let them "Put a SOCK on it",
and let's go to the moon or Mars or anywhere but,
"Back to the Drawing Board",
as That will only cost us More Money!

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