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Friday, February 11, 2005

Yahoo Women Say Rape Good reason to Trash Baby

In a Yahoo News Forum: Women, posting comments to "Yahoo! News - Woman Makes Up Story About Tossed Baby", state that; although the woman who tossed her baby out the window of her car is Obviously sick, if she was Raped, then she is justified as it would be a "MAN'S" fault, that she did such a thing. In fact, one woman, could not even bring herself to spell "woman" correctly, spelling it "Womyn", instead.

Literally ALL of the conversations are of women judgeing men, and men judgeing women. Of course, the very First incidence of this Gender Blame Game, took place in the Garden of Eden with Adam blaming Eve, and Eve, blaming The Serpent!

But then, nobody cares where it started. Or even Why. Only that They, are the Innocent, oppressed, by the Wicked.

And who cares about the baby?
Everybody does. That is, as long as "it",
is useful in man and woman-Kinds Obssession, with seeking justice. Which, is not really a search for justice. But rather, a search for a reason to live, and to let live.

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