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Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Here we go again!

When will the people of the United States rise up and Demand that Torture be Legalized in matters of terrorism. Why must I and my family live in Fear, because the ACLU gives the terrorist the Right to terrorize and Murder withOut Fear of reprisal or even a provisional spake on the hand. How is it that their right to Murder, out weights our right to Live. Why must I and my family Die, simply because I am Told that I must hold myself to a Higher Standard, and allow these Terrorist Murders the freedom to plan, organize, and carry out their acts of terrorism and murder without intervention?

We've all heard the story before.
A woman terrorized by her husband calls the cops and recieves the "legal reply" of;
"I'm sorry maam. But until your husband does something, we can do nothing."
And we all know what happened next. The wife dead, and the children missing.
Or, as in the case of the United States,... 9 1 1

God knows the President and the Military are doing all they can to protect us.
But when the ACLU and the Media get involved as described in the "AP" story below, then hang on to your assholes and keep your children close to you. For the Terrorist will Soon be Back on the streets!

Yahoo! News - AP: Videos Show Guantanamo Prisoner Abuse: "By PAISLEY DODDS, Associated Press Writer

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico - Videotapes of riot squads subduing troublesome terror suspects at the U.S. prison camp at Guantanamo Bay show the guards punching some detainees, tying one to a gurney for questioning and forcing a dozen to strip from the waist down, according to a secret report. One squad was all-female, traumatizing some Muslim prisoners."

p.s. I LOVE the part about being tortured by Females. Gawd, that sounds like heaven to me.

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