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Wednesday, August 01, 2007

The Top 100 Conservative Political Websites

Unfortunately, the Trash Dispatch did not make this list.
But then again, we weren't trying.

Heading up the Top 3 on the list;

  1. Drudge Report
  2. Fox News
  3. Wall Street Journal
After that, we have my personal favorite WorldNetDaily at #5.
Town Hall at #9.
Rush Limbaugh at #15
Michelle Malkin at #20
Ann Coulter at #32
Radio Talk show host
Michael Savage, Bill O’Reilly, and Sean Hannity at 37, 38, and 39, respectively. With Laura Ingraham coming in at #44.

After Laura Ingram however, I see a lot of room for the "Trash Dispatch" to fit into the Top 100 as the only other websites I recognize as any that I have visited are
Scrappleface at #98, and the Intellectual Conservative at #100 as in deed, it was the Intellectual Conservative who compiled the Top 100 list.

So Congratulations from the Trash Dispatch to all those who did make the Top 100 List, minus one, as "The Trash Dispatch", fully expects to be there next year. (not!)

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