Trash Dispatch:
In the 1991 Gulf War, Americans under the guise of "liberating heros", invaded Kuwait. And in deed, to the Kuwaitis, The Americans are Still heros, as their nation was returned to them, "Free" from tyranny.
But for the citizens of Iraq, a different story.
In 2002, Americans were "ALL" gung-ho for invading Iraq. And again under the guise of "Liberating Heros", liberate the citizens of Iraq from the tyranny of Saddam Hussein and establish One Nation, Under God (with God being the citizens of Iraq), with liberty and justice for all. And in truth, the Iraqis, expecting to receive a government "of the people", By the people, and For the people, were truly "hopeful".
Unfortunately, and Again, just as they did in the 1991 Gulf War. The Americans have "BETRAYED" the Iraqis, "Changed Their Minds", "Turned-Tail", and now seek to get out of Iraq, because the cost of Iraqi freedom, is not worth the Cost, of American lives!
YahooNews: U.S. opposition to Iraq war hits new high: poll
"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Opposition to the Iraq war has climbed to a record high and President George W. Bush's approval rating dropped to a new low amid growing dissent from members of his own Republican party over his war strategy, according to a new USAToday/Gallup poll.
Bush's approval dropped to 29 percent in the poll taken Friday through Sunday, down from 33 percent in early June, USA Today reported on Tuesday.
One in five Americans said the increase in U.S. forces in Iraq this year has made the situation there better while half said it has made no difference, the newspaper said.
More than seven in 10 Americans favor withdrawing nearly all U.S troops from Iraq by April, the newspaper said.

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Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Americans Betray Iraqis, Again!
Posted by TrashCom1 at 7/10/2007 10:55:00 AM -Permalink-
Labels, Tags, and Categories Adultery-Treason and Traitors, Cost of Freedom, Iraq, Politics, Tyranny
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