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Thursday, August 16, 2007

Strange Noises Heard Deep inside Collapsed Utah Mine

Trash Dispatch:
A ray of light, as Strange noises are being heard deep inside the collapsed mine of Huntington Utah.

Officials report hearing "mysterious vibrations" that "could be anything", with one official stating that it could be a "trapped animal". Or even just some "rock breaking underground". Which, if the latter, would support mine owner Bob Murry's assertion that the collapse of the mine was caused by an "earthquake", rather than critics assertions to the contrary. Nevertheless, let's Hope, that if the noises being heard are of an animal natural, that that animal, is "human".

But there's more good news, (if in fact the "noises" are good news). Rescuers are reporting that they have discovered a chamber with at least "potentially" breathable air. This is Very Exciting! But, officials are warning not to get Too excited as Yes, there is a chamber, with at least potentially breathable air. And at least, the possibility for survivors is there. However, at this point, that's all that it is.

So again, nevertheless, we now have More Hope that our prayers will be answered, than what we had before. So Hang in there fellas, We're Coming!!!

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