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Sunday, April 29, 2007

Infighting and Civil War, comes to Farmers Branch.

In this article posted:

09:41 PM CDT on Friday, April 27, 2007
By STEPHANIE SANDOVAL / The Dallas Morning News

A group of former Farmers Branch mayors and City Council members say the cost to the city of a proposed ordinance against illegal immigration is too great.

It is obvious that these former Mayors of Farmers Branch, would rather Bend-Over and Take-it in the A--, OR, they have a Vested interest in providing goods and services to the Illegals. Which of course, would make the former Mayors themselves, illegal. But who cares? As long as they get their money. And these former Mayors of Farmers Branch, have decided to Join the illegals, in their fight "against" the city of Farmers Branch. And although they Blame, it's current Mayor, Tim O'Hare. The truth of the matter is they are involved in Costing the city, the very thing for which they "say", they are fighting against.

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