Trash Dispatch: Republican candidate Ron Paul's Voting Record
To start, It would probably easier to post what Congressman Ron Paul has voted for, as what he has voted against, is just about everything.
To summarize, I would have to say that the Congressman is Pro-life, although that position might be better assessed as being a part of Rep. Ron Paul's "Anti-spending, Anti-subsidy, Anti-government," theology. Not that he is for the over-throw of our government, but that it appears as though his general stance on anything having to do with the government is that, "the government ain't yo momma" (my words not his). Which means agriculture, welfare, Special Interest and the Arts, and basically anything in the "Pork Barrel", will all take a hit.
He voted "no" on a bill that would keep horses from being shipped, transported, moved, delivered, received, possessed, purchased, sold, or donated to be slaughtered for human consumption. Which prompts me to state my disclaimer here as "Who Knows" why he voted against this bill, or against any bill for that matter, without an intense interrogation of the man only to find out that maybe the bill didn't do what it was represented to do. Nevertheless, and as an example of *appearances from a voting record, it "appears" as though, Rep. Ron Paul is Pro-business long as the government doesn't have to support it.
As for "Appropriations".
I counted 177 Bills from 05/15/1997 - 03/23/2007.
Of those, Congressman Ron Paul had 6 "Yeahs" - 160 "Nos" - and 11 Bills where he did not vote. The 6 "Yeahs" include; 1) H AMDT 271 to HR 2160: An amendment, printed as amendment No. 3 in the Congressional Record of July 15, 1997, to prohibit the use of any funds appropriated in the bill to subsidize crop insurance for tobacco crops. (Tobacco Crops Amendment)
2) HR 2888: Making emergency supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year 2001 for additional disaster assistance, for anti-terrorism initiatives, and for assistance in the recovery from the tragedy that occurred on September 11, 2001, and for other purposes. (2001 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations bill)
3) H Amdt 241 to HR 2590: Amendment to prohibit funding to administer the Cuban Assets Control Regulations with respect to any travel or travel related transaction. (Amendment to Treasury
Appropriations Act, FY 2002)
4) H.AMDT.356 to HR 2587: An amendment to prohibit any funding for the joint adoption of a child between individuals who are not related by blood or marriage. (Adoption Restriction Amendment)
5) HR 5385: Making appropriations for the military quality of life functions of the Department of Defense, military construction, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2007, and for other purposes. (Military Construction FY2007 Authorization bill)
and 6) H Amdt 343 to HR 3010: Amendment restores $100 million for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. (Restoring Funds For The CPB)
Bills on which Congressman Ron Paul did not vote include;
1) District of Columbia FY98 Appropriations bill
2) Foreign Operations FY2000 Appropriations bill
3) District of Columbia Appropriations Act, FY 2000
4) Military Construction FY2002 Appropriations bill
5) Fiscal 04 Military Construction Appropriation
6) Energy and Water Appropriations, FY 2004 bill
7) Appropriations bill 2005, Energy and Water Development
8) Defense Department FY2005 Appropriations bill
9) Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 2006
10) Interior Department FY 2006 Appropriations Bill
11) Energy and Water Appropriations bill FY 2006
Conclusion? Congressman Ron Paul doesn't like too much of anything to do with, "appropriations". And said "No" to; H AMDT753 to HR 4193: Restoring $98 million in funding for the National Endowment for the Arts.
And in a general examination of Ron Paul's voting record on Bills concerning "Budget, Spending, and Taxes", it would "appear" as though, he has consistently voted "No" to anything that would increase spending and/or taxes. And voted "Yeah", on anything that would lower spending and/or taxes. Note however, that that "supposition", does not included a detailed examination of bills beyond their names. Which may be different, from their actual purpose.
Nevertheless, and just so you can make up your own mind about what Congressman Ron Paul's Voting record may or may not reflect, here is a list of bills dating from 02/13/1997 - 08/05/2007. This list was "gleaned" from "Project Vote Smart" and is used here (in text form) as a "quick" reference for comments. Detailed accounts with links to each bill, along with statements made by the Congressman at the time of these bills, can be found at Project Vote Smart [Link Below].
Congressman Ron Paul's Voting Record has been Posted in response to a request made by patrons of the Trash Dispatch. And so without further adue, Behold:
Abortion Issues
Date Bill Title Vote
06/07/2007 Stem Cell Research Act of 2007 N
06/06/2007 Human Cloning Prohibition Act of 2007 N
12/06/2006 Abortion Pain Bill NV
05/25/2005 Overseas Military Facilities Abortion Amendment N
04/27/2005 Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act N
10/02/2003 Prohibit Partial-Birth Abortion bill Y
06/04/2003 Prohibit Partial-Birth Abortion bill Y
07/20/2000 Abortion Funding Amendment N
07/13/2000 Family Planning Assistance Funding amendment N
06/22/2000 Prison Abortion Funding Amendment N
05/18/2000 Oversea Military Abortions Amendment N
04/05/2000 Partial Birth Abortion Act Y
07/29/1999 Abortion Funding Amendment N
06/30/1999 Child Custody Protection Act N
06/09/1999 Overseas Military Abortion Amendment N
06/08/1999 Prohibition of Chemically Induced Abortion Amendment Y
10/08/1998 Contraceptive Amendment Y
08/06/1998 Abortion Funding Amendment N
07/23/1998 Partial-Birth Abortion bill Y
07/15/1998 Child Custody Protection Act N
06/24/1998 Chemical Inducement of Abortion Amendment Y
05/20/1998 Abortion Private Funding Restoration Amendment N
10/08/1997 Partial-Birth Abortion bill Y
09/04/1997 International Family Planning amendment Y
03/20/1997 Partial-Birth Abortion bill Y
02/13/1997 Population Planning bill N
Agriculture Issues
Date Bill Title Vote
07/27/2007 2007 Farm Bill N
05/02/2002 Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 N
10/05/2001 Agricultural Act of 2001 N
06/08/1999 FY 2000 Agriculture Appropriations bill N
06/04/1998 Agricultural Research bill N
Animal Rights and Wildlife Issues
Date Bill Title Vote
09/07/2006 Horse Slaughter Prohibition bill N
09/29/2005 Endangered Species Reauthorization bill NV
09/29/2005 Endangered Species Amendment NV
Date Bill Title Vote
03/23/2007 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Bill of 2007 N
09/29/2006 Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act 2007 N
09/26/2006 Department Defense Appropriations Act, FY 2007 N
06/29/2006 Commerce Department Appropriations Bill FY 2006 N
06/20/2006 Defense Department FY2007 Appropriations Bill N
06/14/2006 Transportation, Treasury, Housing Appropriations Act N
06/13/2006 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2006 N
06/09/2006 Foreign Operations and Export Finance Appropriation Act N
06/07/2006 Legislative Branch FY 2007 Appropriations Bill N
06/06/2006 Department of Homeland Security Appropriation Act, 2007 N
05/23/2006 Agriculture, Rural Development, FDA Appropriations Act N
05/19/2006 Military Construction FY2007 Authorization bill Y
05/18/2006 Interior Department FY2007 Appropriations bill N
03/17/2006 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2006 N
12/19/2005 Defense Department FY2006 Appropriations bill N
12/14/2005 Labor, HHS, Education, FY 2006 Appropriations bill N
11/17/2005 Labor, HHS, Education, FY 2006 Appropriations bill N
11/09/2005 Energy and Water Appropriations bill FY 2006 NV
11/09/2005 Commerce, Justice, Science, Appropriations Bill FY 2006 N
11/04/2005 Foreign Operations FY 2006 Appropriations Bill N
10/28/2005 Agriculture, Rural Development, FDA Appropriations Act N
07/28/2005 Interior Department FY 2006 Appropriations Bill NV
07/28/2005 Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 2006 NV
06/30/2005 Transportation, Treasury, HUD, Judiciary, Appropriation N
06/28/2005 Foreign Operations FY 2006 Appropriations Bill N
06/24/2005 Labor, HHS, Education, FY 2006 Appropriations bill N
06/23/2005 Allows the Use of Funds for Annual Fit Test Amendment N
06/23/2005 Restoring Funds For The CPB Y
06/22/2005 Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 2006 N
06/20/2005 Defense Department FY2006 Appropriations bill N
06/16/2005 Commerce, Justice, Science, Appropriations Bill FY 2006 N
06/08/2005 Agriculture, Rural Development, FDA Appropriations Act N
05/25/2005 Defense Department FY2006 Authorization bill N
05/24/2005 Energy and Water Appropriations bill FY 2006 N
05/19/2005 Interior Department FY 2006 Appropriations Bill N
05/17/2005 Homeland Security Department FY 2006 Appropriations Act N
05/05/2005 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2005 N
03/16/2005 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2005 N
09/22/2004 Transportation Department FY2005 Appropriations bill N
09/09/2004 Appropriations bill FY2005, Labor, HHS, Education N
07/22/2004 Defense Department FY2005 Appropriations bill NV
07/15/2004 Omnibus FY2005 Appropriations bill N
07/13/2004 Agriculture and Rural Development Appropriations bill N
07/12/2004 Legislative Branch FY2005 Appropriations Bill N
07/08/2004 Commerce Department FY2005 Appropriations Bill N
06/25/2004 Appropriations bill 2005, Energy and Water Development NV
06/23/2004 Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2005 N
06/22/2004 Defense Department FY2005 Appropriations bill N
06/18/2004 Homeland Security Department FY2005 Appropriations bill N
06/17/2004 Interior Department FY2005 Appropriations bill N
03/25/2004 Budget Appropriations, FY2005 resolution N
11/20/2003 Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004 N
11/18/2003 Energy and Water Appropriations, FY 2004 bill N
11/05/2003 Military Construction Appropriations Act, 2004 N
10/30/2003 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Defense N
10/30/2003 Interior Department Appropriations, FY 2004 bill N
09/24/2003 Emergency Supplemental Appropriation, FY 2003 bill N
09/24/2003 Homeland Security Appropriations, FY 2004 bill N
09/24/2003 Terrorism Information Awareness bill N
09/09/2003 Transportation, Treasury, and Independent Agencies Appr N
07/25/2003 Emergency Appropriations for Disaster Relief Act,2003 N
07/25/2003 Veterans Affairs and HUD Appropriations Act, 2004 N
07/24/2003 Foreign Operations Appropriations, FY 2004 bill N
07/23/2003 Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judici N
07/18/2003 Energy and Water Appropriations, FY 2004 bill NV
07/17/2003 Interior Department Appropriations, FY 2004 bill N
07/14/2003 Agriculture, Rural Development, FDA N
07/10/2003 Department of Labor, HHS, and Education Appropriations N
07/09/2003 Emergency Supplemental Appropriation, FY 2003 bill N
07/08/2003 Terrorism Information Awareness bill N
06/26/2003 Fiscal 04 Military Construction Appropriation NV
06/24/2003 Homeland Security Appropriations, FY 2004 bill N
02/13/2003 Consolidated Appropriations Resolution, 2003 N
10/10/2002 Department of Defense Appropriations, FY2003 bill N
07/24/2002 Treasury & General Government Appropriations Act, 2002 N
07/23/2002 Supplemental Appropriations, FY2002 bill N
07/18/2002 Legislative Branch Appropriation, FY2003 bill N
07/17/2002 Department of the Interior Appropriations Act, 2003 N
06/27/2002 Military Construction Appropriations Act FY2003 N
05/24/2002 Supplemental Appropriations, FY2002 bill N
12/19/2001 Foreign Operations FY2002 Appropriations bill N
12/06/2001 District of Columbia FY2002 Appropriations bill N
11/30/2001 Department of Transportation Appropriations Act, 2002 N
11/14/2001 Appropriations bill FY2002, Commerce, Justice, State N
11/13/2001 Agriculture FY2002 Appropriations bill N
11/08/2001 Veterans Affairs and HUD Appropriations Act of 2002 N
11/01/2001 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act, 2002 N
11/01/2001 Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 2002 N
10/31/2001 Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act 2002 N
10/17/2001 Military Construction FY2002 Appropriations bill N
10/17/2001 Interior Department Appropriations for FY 2002 N
10/11/2001 Labor, HHS and Education Appropriations Act, 2002 N
09/21/2001 Military Construction FY2002 Appropriations bill NV
09/14/2001 2001 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations bill Y
07/25/2001 Amendment to Treasury Appropriations Act, FY 2002 Y
07/25/2001 Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act 2002 N
07/20/2001 2001 Supplemental Appropriations Act N
07/18/2001 Appropriations bill FY2002, Commerce, Justice, State N
06/26/2001 Department of Transportation Appropriations Act, 2002 N
10/25/2000 Foreign Operations FY 2001 Appropriations bill N
07/20/2000 Treasury and General Goverment Appropriations Act, 2001 N
07/13/2000 Foreign Operations FY 2001 Appropriations bill N
03/30/2000 2000 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act N
11/18/1999 District of Columbia FY2000 Appropriations bill N
11/05/1999 Foreign Operations FY2000 Appropriations bill N
11/03/1999 District of Columbia FY2000 Appropriations bill N
10/28/1999 DC/Labor/HHS/Education FY 2000 Appropriations bill N
10/21/1999 Interior Department FY2000 Appropriations bill N
10/20/1999 Appropriations bill FY2000, Commerce, Justice, State N
10/14/1999 Veterans Affairs and HUD Appropriations bill, FY 2000 N
10/14/1999 District of Columbia Appropriations Act, FY 2000 NV
10/13/1999 Defense Department Appropriations bill, FY2000 N
10/05/1999 Foreign Operations FY2000 Appropriations bill NV
10/01/1999 Transportation Department FY2000 Appropriations bill N
10/01/1999 FY 2000 Agriculture Appropriations bill N
09/27/1999 Energy FY2000 Appropriations bill N
09/16/1999 Appropriations bill FY2000, Treasury, Postal Service N
09/09/1999 District of Columbia FY2000 Appropriations bill N
09/09/1999 Veterans Affairs and HUD Appropriations bill, FY 2000 N
08/05/1999 Appropriations bill FY2000, Commerce, Justice, State N
08/05/1999 Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 2000 N
08/03/1999 Foreign Operations FY2000 Appropriations bill N
07/29/1999 District of Columbia FY2000 Appropriations bill N
07/29/1999 Adoption Restriction Amendment Y
07/29/1999 Military Construction FY2000 Appropriations bill N
07/27/1999 Energy FY2000 Appropriations bill N
07/22/1999 Defense Department Appropriations bill, FY2000 N
07/15/1999 Appropriations bill FY2000, Treasury, Postal Service N
07/14/1999 Interior Department FY2000 Appropriations bill N
07/13/1999 Military Construction FY2000 Appropriations bill N
06/23/1999 Transportation Department FY2000 Appropriations bill N
05/18/1999 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations-Conference Report N
05/06/1999 Kosovo Emergency Supplemental Appropriations bill N
03/24/1999 Rescissions Removal Amendment N
03/24/1999 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations--Passage N
03/03/1999 Peace Corps Authorization Bill N
10/20/1998 Appropriations bill FY99, Omnibus N
10/07/1998 Intelligence FY99 Authorization bill N
10/07/1998 Appropriations bill FY99, Treasury, Postal Service N
10/06/1998 FY 1999 VA-HUD Appropriations N
10/02/1998 Agriculture FY99 Appropriations bill N
09/28/1998 Defense Department FY99 Appropriations bill N
09/28/1998 FY1999 Energy Appropriations bill N
09/24/1998 Defense Department FY99 Authorization bill N
09/24/1998 Legislative Branch FY99 Appropriations bill N
09/17/1998 Appropriations Bill FY99, Foreign Operations N
08/07/1998 District of Columbia FY99 Appropriations bill N
07/29/1998 Appropriations bill FY99, Veterans Affairs, HUD N
07/23/1998 Interior Department FY99 Appropriations bill N
07/16/1998 Appropriations bill FY99, Treasury, Postal Service N
06/25/1998 Legislative Branch FY99 Appropriations bill N
06/24/1998 Agriculture FY99 Appropriations bill N
06/24/1998 Defense Department FY99 Appropriations bill N
06/22/1998 Energy FY99 Appropriations bill N
06/22/1998 Military Construction FY99 Appropriations bill N
03/31/1998 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations bill N
11/13/1997 Appropriations bill FY98, Commerce, Justice, and State N
11/13/1997 Foreign Operations FY98 Appropriations bill N
11/07/1997 Intelligence FY98 Authorization bill N
11/07/1997 Appropriations bill FY98, Labor, HHS, Education N
10/24/1997 Interior Department FY98 Appropriations bill N
10/09/1997 District of Columbia FY98 Appropriations bill NV
10/06/1997 Agriculture FY98 Appropriations bill N
09/30/1997 Appropriations bill FY98, Commerce, Justice, and State N
09/30/1997 Appropriations bill FY98, Treasury, Postal Service N
09/25/1997 Defense Department FY98 Appropriations bill N
09/24/1997 FY 1998 Legislative Branch Appropriations Bill N
09/17/1997 Appropriations bill FY98, Treasury, Postal Service N
09/04/1997 Foreign Operations FY98 Appropriations bill N
07/29/1997 Defense Department FY98 Appropriations bill N
07/28/1997 FY 1998 Legislative Branch Appropriations Bill N
07/24/1997 Tobacco Crops Amendment Y
07/24/1997 Agriculture FY98 Appropriations bill N
07/15/1997 Interior Department FY98 Appropriations bill N
06/12/1997 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations bill N
06/05/1997 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations bill N
05/15/1997 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations bill N
Arts and Humanities
Date Bill Title Vote
07/21/1998 National Endowment for the Arts Amendment N
Budget, Spending and Taxes
Date Bill Title Vote
08/05/2007 Defense Appropriations NV
08/04/2007 Energy Bill NV
08/01/2007 State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) Expansion N
07/27/2007 2007 Farm Bill N
07/26/2007 Commerce, Justice, and Science Appropriations N
07/24/2007 Funding Reduction for the National Railroad Passenger Corporation Account, Amtrak
and Other Services Y
07/19/2007 Appropriations for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and
Education NV
07/17/2007 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act N
07/12/2007 Section 8 Voucher Adjustments Act of 2007 NV
07/11/2007 Student Loan Lender Subsidy Cuts and Student Grants N
06/21/2007 Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (formally School of the
Americas) Funding Amendment Y
06/15/2007 Department of Homeland Security Appropriations NV
05/24/2007 House Amendment 2 to HR 2206 N
05/24/2007 House Amendment 1 to HR 2206 N
05/17/2007 2008 Budget Resolution N
05/10/2007 Emergency Departmental Supplemental Appropriations Bill of 2007 N
05/08/2007 2008 Budget Resolution N
03/29/2007 Congressional Budget for 2008 N
01/05/2007 Pay-As-You-Go Bill N
07/29/2006 Death/Estate and Minimum Wage Bill of 2006 N
06/22/2006 Line Item Veto bill N
06/22/2006 Death/Estate Tax Amendment Y
05/10/2006 Tax Reconciliation bill Y
02/01/2006 Budget Reconciliation Adoption N
12/19/2005 Budget Reconciliation bill N
12/08/2005 Tax Relief Extension Reconciliation Act of 2005 Y
11/18/2005 Budget Reconciliation Bill N
04/28/2005 Budget FY2006 Appropriations Resolution NV
04/13/2005 Death/Estate Tax Repeal Permanency Act of 2005 Y
03/17/2005 Budget FY2006 Appropriations Resolution N
10/07/2004 JOBS (Jumpstart Our Business Strength) NV
09/23/2004 Increased Child Tax Credit bill Y
05/20/2004 Child Credit Preservation and Expansion Act of 2004 Y
05/05/2004 Middle-Class Alternative Minimum Tax Relief Act of 2004 Y
04/28/2004 Marriage Penalty Tax bill Y
01/28/2004 Farmer Bankruptcy bill Y
10/16/2003 Iraqi Debt Forgiveness N
09/17/2003 Charitable Contributions bill Y
07/16/2003 State Department FY2004-2005 Authorizations bill N
06/27/2003 Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004 N
06/19/2003 Taxpayer Protection and IRS Accountability Act of 2003 Y
05/23/2003 Jobs and Economic Growth bill Y
05/09/2003 Jobs and Economic Growth bill Y
04/11/2003 Congressional Budget for fiscal year 2004 NV
03/20/2002 Budget Resolution, FY 2003 N
05/26/2001 Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act, 2001 Y
05/16/2001 Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act, 2001 Y
05/09/2001 Fiscal Year 2002 Budget Resolution N
09/13/2000 Marriage Tax Relief Bill Y
09/07/2000 Death/Estate Tax Elimination Act of 2000 Y
07/20/2000 Marriage Tax Relief Bill Y
06/09/2000 Death/Estate Tax Substitute Amendment N
06/09/2000 Death/Estate Tax Elimination Act of 2000 Y
05/10/2000 Internet Nondiscrimination Act N
04/13/2000 Congressional Budget resolution FY 2001 N
03/23/2000 Congressional Budget resolution FY 2001 N
03/09/2000 Small Business Tax Fairness Act of 2000 Y
02/10/2000 Marriage Penalty Tax bill Y
08/05/1999 Financial Freedom Act of 1999 Y
07/22/1999 Financial Freedom Act of 1999 Y
06/10/1999 Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 2000 N
05/05/1999 Bankruptcy Reform bill Y
04/14/1999 Congressional Budget Resolution, FY 2000 Y
03/25/1999 Congressional Budget Resolution, FY 2000 NV
10/09/1998 Bankruptcy Reform bill Y
09/26/1998 Tax Cut bill Y
06/17/1998 Tax Code Termination bill Y
06/05/1998 Budget Resolution FY98 NV
05/13/1998 Enhance Banking Flexibility Amendment Y
05/13/1998 Financial Services Act of 1998 N
04/30/1998 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations bill N
04/22/1998 Tax Limitation Amendment Y
07/31/1997 Budget Reconciliation Bill Y
07/30/1997 Budget Reconciliation bill N
06/26/1997 Budget Reconciliation Bill Y
06/25/1997 Budget Reconciliation bill N
06/05/1997 Budget Resolution FY1999-2000 N
05/21/1997 Budget Resolution FY1999-2000 N
03/12/1997 Balanced Budget Request resolution Y
Business and Consumers
Date Bill Title Vote
08/04/2007 Energy Bill NV
07/24/2007 Funding Reduction for the National Railroad Passenger Corporation Account, Amtrak
and Other Services Y
07/11/2007 Student Loan Lender Subsidy Cuts and Student Grants N
07/11/2007 Foreign Investment Oversight Y
05/24/2007 House Amendment 1 to HR 2206 N
05/10/2007 Emergency Departmental Supplemental Appropriations Bill of 2007 N
05/02/2007 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Bill of 2007 with Iraq Withdrawal Timeline
04/25/2007 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Bill of 2007 with Iraq Withdrawal Timeline
09/21/2006 Appalachian Regional Development Act Amendments of 2006 N
07/12/2006 Credit Rating Agency Duopoly Relief Act Y
03/08/2006 National Uniformity for Food Act N
07/26/2005 Small Employer Health Benefits Plan Amendment N
04/14/2005 Bankruptcy Reform Bill Y
04/02/2004 Pension Funding Equity Act of 2004 NV
03/18/2004 Financial Services Regulatory Relief Act of 2004 Y
06/19/2003 Small Business Health Fairness Act of 2003 Y
09/26/2000 Small Business Superfund Exemption-Passage NV
02/16/2000 Small Business Liability Reform bill N
07/01/1999 Financial Modernization bill N
Campaign Finance and Election Issues
Date Bill Title Vote
08/02/2007 Lobbying and Donation Regulations Y
04/19/2007 District of Columbia House Voting Rights Act of 2007 N
09/20/2006 Federal Election Integrity Act of 2006 Y
07/13/2006 Voting Rights Act Reauthorization N
04/05/2006 527 Reform Act of 2005 N
10/10/2002 Help America Vote Act of 2002 N
02/14/2002 Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2001 N
06/28/2000 527 Organization Disclosure bill N
09/14/1999 Campaign Finance Reform bill N
08/06/1998 Federal Campaign Finance Amendment Y
08/06/1998 Campaign Finance Reform bill N
08/03/1998 Shays Amendment N
07/30/1998 Voter Registration Amendment N
07/20/1998 Noncitizen Campaign Contribution Amendment N
07/20/1998 Labor Political Activity Amendment N
07/16/1998 FY 1999 Treasury-Postal Approp - Increase FEC Funding N
07/14/1998 Express Advocacy Amendment Y
06/17/1998 Campaign Finance Reform Commission Amendment Y
03/30/1998 Campaign Finance Reform bill N
03/30/1998 Campaign Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1998 Y
Civil Liberties
Date Bill Title Vote
08/04/2007 Changes to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 NV
07/26/2007 Commerce, Justice, and Science Appropriations N
05/17/2007 Guantanamo Transfer Plan Y
06/22/2005 Flag Desecration Resolution N
06/03/2003 Desecration of Flag resolution N
07/17/2001 Flag Desecration resolution N
06/24/1999 Flag Desecration Amendment N
06/12/1997 Flag Desecration Constitutional Amendment N
Civil Rights
Date Bill Title Vote
04/19/2007 District of Columbia House Voting Rights Act of 2007 N
09/26/2006 Public Expression of Religion Act of 2006 Y
Congressional Affairs
Date Bill Title Vote
08/02/2007 Lobbying and Donation Regulations Y
04/19/2007 District of Columbia House Voting Rights Act of 2007 N
09/26/2006 Motion to Resolve Into Secret Session N
05/03/2006 527 Reform Act of 2006 N
04/06/2006 Jack Abramoff Investigation Resolution NV
09/15/2005 Bipartisan Committee to Investigate Hurricane Katrina Y
06/02/2004 Special Elections/Appointments Provisions bill Y
04/22/2004 Continuity in Representation Act of 2003 Y
07/24/2002 Expulsion of Rep. James A. Traficant, Jr., D-Ohio NV
06/04/1998 Religious Freedom Amendment bill N
11/13/1997 Broadcast of Committee Witness bill N
09/18/1997 House Ethics Reform Task Force Y
02/12/1997 Term Limits resolution Y
Crime Issues
Date Bill Title Vote
07/25/2007 State and Federal Medical Marijuana Law Enforcement and Implementation
05/03/2007 Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2007 NV
11/06/2003 Federal Prison Industries Competition in Contracting Ac NV
04/26/2001 Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2001 N
04/26/2001 Motherhood Protection Act (Substitue Amendendment) N
09/30/1999 Substitute Amendment to Unborn Victims of Violence Act N
09/30/1999 Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 1999 N
06/17/1999 Juvenile Justice bill N
09/15/1998 Juvenile Crime Control and Delinquency Prevention Act N
02/25/1998 Death Sentence Amendment Y
02/24/1998 Minimum Sentences for Gun Crimes bill N
05/08/1997 Juvenile Crime bill N
Date Bill Title Vote
08/05/2007 Defense Appropriations NV
07/25/2007 Ban on Permanent Bases in Iraq Y
07/12/2007 Redeployment from Iraq Act NV
06/21/2007 Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (formally School of the
Americas) Funding Amendment Y
05/24/2007 House Amendment 2 to HR 2206 N
05/24/2007 House Amendment 1 to HR 2206 N
05/17/2007 Guantanamo Transfer Plan Y
05/10/2007 Emergency Departmental Supplemental Appropriations Bill of 2007 N
05/02/2007 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Bill of 2007 with Iraq Withdrawal Timeline
04/25/2007 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Bill of 2007 with Iraq Withdrawal Timeline
02/16/2007 Iraq War Policy resolution Y
12/19/2005 Defense Department FY2006 Authorization bill N
05/20/2004 Defense Department FY2005 Authorization bill N
11/07/2003 Defense Department FY2004 Authorization bill NV
07/16/2003 Project BioShield Act of 2003 N
05/22/2003 Defense Department FY2004 Authorization bill N
04/03/2003 Emergency Wartime Supplemental Appropriations Act,2003 N
05/10/2002 National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2003 N
12/13/2001 National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2002 N
05/18/2000 School of the Americas Amendment Y
06/10/1999 FY2000-2001 Defense Authorization bill N
03/18/1999 National Missile Defense bill Y
09/17/1998 US Army School of the Americas Amendment Y
05/21/1998 Defense Department FY99 Authorization bill N
02/05/1998 Line Item Veto Cancellation bill Y
11/08/1997 Line Item Veto Cancellation bill Y
10/28/1997 Defense Department FY98-99 Authorization bill N
09/04/1997 Army School of the Americas amendment Y
06/25/1997 Defense Department FY98-99 Authorization bill N
06/24/1997 Bosnia Deployment Termination Amendment Y
06/23/1997 Border Defense Personnel Amendment N
06/23/1997 B-2 Bomber Program Termination Amendment Y
06/23/1997 Bosnia Deployment Extension Substitute Amendment Y
06/19/1997 Overseas Military Facilities Abortion Amendment N
Drug Issues
Date Bill Title Vote
07/25/2007 State and Federal Medical Marijuana Law Enforcement and Implementation
09/16/1998 Illegal Drug Amendment N
08/06/1998 Illegal Drug Amendment Y
04/29/1998 Needle Exchange Funding Ban Y
09/11/1997 Needle Exchange Amendment Y
Date Bill Title Vote
07/19/2007 Appropriations for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and
Education NV
07/11/2007 Student Loan Lender Subsidy Cuts and Student Grants N
07/11/2007 Extension of Funding for Transitional Medical Assistance and Abstinence Education
01/17/2007 College Student Relief Act of 2007 Y
03/30/2006 College Access and Opportunity Act of 2005 N
03/30/2006 Reverse the Raid on Student Aid Amendment N
07/25/2003 Head Start bill N
07/09/2003 Student Loan Forgiveness for Teachers - Passage N
07/09/2003 Ready to Teach Act of 2003 N
04/30/2003 Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act N
12/13/2001 No Child Left Behind Act N
05/23/2001 No Child Left Behind Act N
06/13/2000 Higher Education Funding Amendment N
10/21/1999 Education Funding for Disadvantaged Students-Passage N
10/21/1999 Academic Achievement for All Act Y
07/20/1999 Teacher Empowerment Act N
04/21/1999 Education Flexibility Partnership Act of 1999 Y
03/11/1999 High Needs District Amendment N
03/10/1999 Student Performance Amendment N
03/10/1999 Education Flexibility Partnership Act of 1999 Y
08/06/1998 Low Income Educational Scholarship Amendment N
06/18/1998 Education Savings Accounts bill N
05/06/1998 Higher Education Programs Authorization Extension bill N
04/30/1998 Washington, D.C. School Vouchers bill NV
02/05/1998 National Student Testing bill Y
11/07/1997 Charter School Expansion Act of 1998 N
11/04/1997 HELP Scholarships bill Y
10/23/1997 Education Savings Accounts bill N
05/16/1997 Training Programs bill N
Employment and Affirmative Action
Date Bill Title Vote
01/08/2003 Unemployment Benefits bill N
Energy Issues
Date Bill Title Vote
08/04/2007 Energy Bill NV
08/04/2007 Renewable Energy from Utilities NV
08/04/2007 Energy Bill NV
07/17/2007 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act N
05/22/2007 Preventing the Organization of Petroleum Export Groups Bill (NOPEC Act of 2007)
01/18/2007 Clean Energy Act of 2007 N
05/18/2006 Outer Continental Shelf for Gas and Oil Amendment Y
05/18/2006 Outer Continental Shelf Amendment N
10/07/2005 Gasoline for America's Security Act of 2005 NV
07/28/2005 Energy Policy Act of 2005 N
04/21/2005 Energy Policy Act of 2005 N
04/20/2005 Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Drilling Amendment N
04/20/2005 Liability Shield Language Amendment N
06/15/2004 Energy Omnibus bill N
11/18/2003 Energy Omnibus bill N
04/11/2003 Energy Omnibus bill NV
08/02/2001 Securing America's Future Energy (SAFE) Act of 2001 N
Environmental Issues
Date Bill Title Vote
08/04/2007 Energy Bill NV
08/04/2007 Renewable Energy from Utilities NV
08/04/2007 Energy Bill NV
07/17/2007 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act N
09/25/2006 New Hampshire Wilderness Act N
06/29/2006 Deep Ocean Energy Resources Act of 2006 Y
11/21/2003 Healthy Forests Restoration Act of 2003 N
11/20/2003 Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2003 N
09/23/2003 Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians Land Exchange Act '02 Y
05/20/2003 Healthy Forests Restoration Act of 2003 N
08/01/2001 Securing America's Future Energy (SAFE) Act of 2001 N
08/01/2001 Securing America's Future Energy (SAFE) Act of 2001 N
06/21/2000 EPA Amendment N
06/07/2000 San Rafael Swell Area Amendment Y
06/07/2000 San Rafael Legacy District Motor Vehicle Amendment Y
05/11/2000 Conservation and Reinvestment Act of 1999 N
05/10/2000 Land Conservation-Land Acquisition Funding Y
05/10/2000 Social Security and Medicare solvency amendment Y
05/10/2000 Local government participation amendment Y
03/22/2000 Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act N
06/08/1999 Lethal Predator Funding Amendment Y
03/27/1998 Road Construction Amendment N
03/27/1998 Forest Recovery and Protection bill N
10/30/1997 Nuclear Waste Disposal bill N
05/07/1997 Endangered Species Act Exemption Amendment N
Executive Branch
Date Bill Title Vote
12/19/1998 Impeachment Resolution: Article One Y
12/19/1998 Impeachment Resolution: Article Two Y
12/19/1998 Impeachment Resolution: Article Three Y
12/19/1998 Impeachment Resolution: Article Four Y
01/21/1997 In the matter of Representative Newt Gingrich Y
Family and Children Issues
Date Bill Title Vote
08/01/2007 State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) Expansion N
07/19/2007 Appropriations for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and
Education NV
09/26/2006 Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act N
04/10/2003 Enhance AMBER Alert bill N
08/06/1998 Adoption Amendment Y
09/09/1997 Family Planning Parental Notification Amendment N
Foreign Aid and Policy Issues
Date Bill Title Vote
07/25/2007 Ban on Permanent Bases in Iraq Y
07/12/2007 Redeployment from Iraq Act NV
07/11/2007 Foreign Investment Oversight Y
06/27/2007 Andean Trade Preference Act Extension Y
06/21/2007 Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (formally School of the
Americas) Funding Amendment Y
05/24/2007 House Amendment 2 to HR 2206 N
05/24/2007 House Amendment 1 to HR 2206 N
05/22/2007 Preventing the Organization of Petroleum Export Groups Bill (NOPEC Act of 2007)
05/17/2007 Guantanamo Transfer Plan Y
05/10/2007 Emergency Departmental Supplemental Appropriations Bill of 2007 N
07/26/2006 U.S.and India Nuclear Cooperation Act of 2006 N
06/16/2006 Global War on Terror N
07/20/2005 State Department FY 2006/2007 Authorization Bill N
07/14/2005 East Asia Security Act of 2005 N
06/17/2005 United Nations Reform Act of 2005 N
06/15/2005 Bans Use of Funds to Enforce Cuba Regulations Amendment Y
03/17/2004 War in Iraq Anniversary resolution N
10/16/2003 Iraq's Reconstruction Resolution N
07/26/2001 ILSA Extension Act of 2001 N
07/13/2000 Debt Relief Funding amendment N
07/13/2000 HIV/AIDS Funding amendment Y
05/17/2000 Continued Deployment of Forces in Kosovo Amendment Y
02/01/2000 Taiwan Security Enhancement Act N
04/28/1999 Military Operations in Yugoslavia Limitation Act Y
04/28/1999 Withdrawal of U.S. Troops from the Balkans resolution Y
04/28/1999 Kosovo Resolution N
03/11/1999 Kosovo Peacekeeping Operations resolution N
10/05/1998 Iraqi Liberation Act of 1998 N
06/04/1998 Tiananmen Square Resolution Y
05/14/1998 Religious Persecution Freedom bill N
03/18/1998 Bosnia and Herzegovina U.S. Troop Removal bill Y
03/17/1998 Human Rights in China Y
11/13/1997 Iraq War Crimes Tribunal - Passage N
11/07/1997 PLA Monitoring bill N
11/06/1997 U.S.-Taiwan Missile Defense Cooperation bill N
11/05/1997 China Political Freedom bill N
07/22/1997 Resolution Regarding the Republic of Congo N
06/04/1997 U.S. Withdrawal from the U.N. Amendment Y
Gender Issues
Date Bill Title Vote
05/03/2007 Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2007 NV
Government Reform
Date Bill Title Vote
02/25/2004 GAO Human Capital Reform Act of 2004 N
07/26/2002 Homeland Security Act of 2002 N
10/05/1998 Indian Federal Recognition Administrative Procedures N
Gun Issues
Date Bill Title Vote
06/28/2006 Trigger Lock Amendment Y
01/16/2006 Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives Y
10/20/2005 Firearms Manufacturers Protection bill N
04/09/2003 Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act N
06/18/1999 72 Hour Background Check Amendment N
06/18/1999 24 Hour Background Check Amendment Y
06/18/1999 Mandatory Gun Show Background Check Act N
Health Issues
Date Bill Title Vote
08/01/2007 State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) Expansion N
07/25/2007 State and Federal Medical Marijuana Law Enforcement and Implementation
07/19/2007 Appropriations for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and
Education NV
07/11/2007 Extension of Funding for Transitional Medical Assistance and Abstinence Education
06/07/2007 Stem Cell Research Act of 2007 N
06/06/2007 Human Cloning Prohibition Act of 2007 N
01/12/2007 Medicare Prescription Drug Price Negotiation Act Y
07/28/2005 Malpractice Liability Reform Bill NV
07/19/2005 Obstetric Fistula Amendment N
07/12/2005 Independent Review of OSHA Act of 2005 N
05/12/2004 Small Business Health Fairness Act of 2004 Y
03/25/2004 Medical Malpractice Liability Limitation bill N
03/24/2004 Child Nutrition Improvement and Integrity Act N
07/25/2003 Imports of Prescription Drugs bill Y
07/16/2003 Vaccine Compensation bill N
06/27/2003 Medicare Prescription Drug bill N
05/01/2003 AIDS Assistance bill N
03/31/2003 Vaccine Compensation bill N
06/28/2002 Medicare Modernization and Prescription Drug Act NV
08/02/2001 Amendment to the Bipartisan Patient Protection Act NV
08/02/2001 Bipartisan Patient Protection Act NV
06/28/2000 Medicare Rx bill N
10/27/1999 Pain Relief Promotion Act of 1999 N
10/07/1999 Patient Protection Substitute Amendment N
10/07/1999 Patient Protection bill N
10/06/1999 Patients' Bill of Rights bill Y
07/24/1998 Patients' Bill of Rights Act Amendment N
07/24/1998 Patient Protection bill N
07/16/1998 Federal Health Plan Contraceptive Coverage Amendment N
04/10/1997 Assisted Suicide Bill Y
Housing and Property Issues
Date Bill Title Vote
07/12/2007 Section 8 Voucher Adjustments Act of 2007 NV
09/29/2006 Private Property Rights Implementation Act of 2006 Y
06/30/2005 Eminent Domain Amdendment Y
05/14/1997 Public Housing bill N
Date Bill Title Vote
06/15/2007 Department of Homeland Security Appropriations NV
09/21/2006 Immigration Law Enforcement Act of 2006 Y
09/14/2006 Secure Fence Act of 2006 Y
12/16/2005 Border Security bill Y
02/10/2005 Real ID Act of 2005 N
05/18/2004 Undocumented Immigrant Emergency Medical Assistance Y
09/24/1998 Nonimmigrant Specialty Workers bill Y
09/29/1997 Continuing Appropriations N
Date Bill Title Vote
07/19/2007 Appropriations for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and
Education NV
07/17/2007 Collective Bargaining for Public Safety Officers N
05/24/2007 House Amendment 1 to HR 2206 N
05/10/2007 Emergency Departmental Supplemental Appropriations Bill of 2007 N
05/02/2007 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Bill of 2007 with Iraq Withdrawal Timeline
04/25/2007 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Bill of 2007 with Iraq Withdrawal Timeline
03/01/2007 Union Organization Bill N
01/10/2007 Minimum Wage Increase N
07/28/2006 Pension Reform Bill N
03/07/2001 Ergonomics Regulations Resolution Y
06/08/2000 OSHA Ergonomic Protection Amendment N
03/09/2000 Minimum Wage Increase-Two Year Raise N
03/09/2000 Minimum Wage Increase bill N
03/26/1998 Small Business and Employee Fairness bill Y
03/19/1997 Comp Time bill Y
Legal Issues
Date Bill Title Vote
05/22/2007 Preventing the Organization of Petroleum Export Groups Bill (NOPEC Act of 2007)
05/03/2007 Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2007 NV
09/26/2006 Private Property Rights Implementation Act of 2005 Y
07/19/2006 Pledge Protection Act of 2006 Y
10/27/2005 Lawsuit Abuse Reduction Act of 2005 Y
10/19/2005 Cheeseburger bill N
03/21/2005 Terri Schiavo Incapacitated Persons Protection Bill NV
09/23/2004 Pledge of Allegiance Protection bill Y
03/10/2004 Obesity Lawsuits bill N
02/26/2004 Unborn Victims of Violence Act 2004 N
03/13/2003 Malpractice Liability bill N
10/13/1998 Securities Litigation bill N
03/04/1998 Puerto Rico Political Status bill N
10/22/1997 Private Property Rights bill Y
Military Issues
Date Bill Title Vote
07/12/2007 Redeployment from Iraq Act NV
05/24/2007 House Amendment 2 to HR 2206 N
05/24/2007 House Amendment 1 to HR 2206 N
05/10/2007 Emergency Departmental Supplemental Appropriations Bill of 2007 N
05/02/2007 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Bill of 2007 with Iraq Withdrawal Timeline
04/25/2007 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Bill of 2007 with Iraq Withdrawal Timeline
09/29/2006 Military Commissions Act of 2006 N
09/27/2006 Military Commissions Act of 2006 N
05/06/2004 Condemning Iraq Abuse of Prisoners resolution N
10/10/2002 Use of Military Force Against Iraq N
National Security Issues
Date Bill Title Vote
08/04/2007 Changes to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 NV
07/27/2007 Implementing the 9/11 Commission Recommendation Act N
07/26/2007 Commerce, Justice, and Science Appropriations N
07/11/2007 Foreign Investment Oversight Y
06/21/2007 Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (formally School of the
Americas) Funding Amendment Y
06/15/2007 Department of Homeland Security Appropriations NV
05/17/2007 Guantanamo Transfer Plan Y
01/09/2007 Implementing the 9/11 Commission Recommendation Act N
09/28/2006 Electronic Surveillance Modernization Act N
06/29/2006 Intelligence and Law Enforcement Resolution N
03/07/2006 PATRIOT Act Reauthorization bill N
12/14/2005 USA PATRIOT and Terrorism Prevention Reauthorization Ac N
07/21/2005 USA PATRIOT & Terrorism Prevention Reauthorization Act N
06/15/2005 Patriot Act Amendment - Library Records Y
05/18/2005 Homeland Security Department Authorization Act FY06 N
10/08/2004 9/11 Recommendations Implementation Act NV
10/24/2001 USA Patriot Act of 2001 N
10/12/2001 Anti-Terrorism Act of 2001 N
09/14/2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force Y
Regulatory Issues
Date Bill Title Vote
09/13/2006 Restricting Indian Gaming to Homelands of Tribes Act N
03/03/2004 US Patent and Trademark Fee Modernization Act, 2004 N
Science and Medical Research
Date Bill Title Vote
06/07/2007 Stem Cell Research Act of 2007 N
06/06/2007 Human Cloning Prohibition Act of 2007 N
03/14/2007 Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act of 2007 Y
01/11/2007 Stem Cell Research Act of 2007 N
07/27/2006 Better Health Information Systems Act of 2006 N
07/19/2006 Stem Cell Research Bill N
07/18/2006 Alternative Stem Cell Therapies Act N
07/22/2005 Advanced Research Opportunities Amendment N
05/24/2005 Stem Cell Research Bill of 2005 N
03/03/2003 Prohibition on Human Cloning - Passage N
02/27/2003 Cloning of Humans bill N
Senior and Social Security Issues
Date Bill Title Vote
04/02/2003 Social Security Protection Act of 2003 N
07/27/2000 Social Security Benefits Tax Relief - Substitute Amdt. N
07/27/2000 Social Security Benefits Tax Relief bill Y
03/01/2000 Social Security Earnings Cap Y
05/26/1999 Social Security Lock Box bill Y
09/25/1998 Save Social Security Act Amendment N
09/25/1998 Social Security Account Protection bill Y
Social Issues
Date Bill Title Vote
05/03/2007 Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2007 NV
07/18/2006 Same Sex Marriage Resolution N
09/23/2003 Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians Land Exchange Act Y
07/31/2001 Human Cloning Prohibition Act of 2001 Substitute Amend. N
07/31/2001 Human Cloning Prohibition Act of 2001 N
07/19/2001 Community Solutions Act of 2001 N
07/19/2001 Community Solutions Act of 2001 N
09/09/1999 Puerto Rican Nationals resolution Y
07/15/1999 Religious Liberty Protection Act of 1999 N
06/29/1999 National Day of Prayer Resolution N
06/17/1999 Ten Commandments Amendment Y
03/05/1997 Display of the Ten Commandments Y
Technology and Communication
Date Bill Title Vote
07/11/2006 Online Gambling Ban Amendment N
06/11/2006 Internet Gambling Bill N
06/08/2006 COPE Bill of 2006 N
11/02/2005 Online Freedom of Speech Act Y
03/11/2004 FCC Indecency Penalties bill N
11/22/2003 Reduction of SPAM bill N
09/25/2003 Do-Not-Call-Registry bill N
06/10/2003 Unlawful Internet Gambling Funding Prohibition Act N
09/08/1999 International Space Station Funding Amendment Y
05/19/1999 NASA Authorization bill N
Trade Issues
Date Bill Title Vote
07/11/2007 Foreign Investment Oversight Y
06/27/2007 Andean Trade Preference Act Extension Y
07/20/2006 U.S.-Oman Free Trade Agreement N
07/28/2005 CAFTA Implementation Bill N
06/09/2005 Withdrawing Approval from the WTO Agreement Y
06/27/2003 U.S.-Chile Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act N
06/27/2003 U.S.-Singapore Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act N
07/27/2002 Trade Act of 2002 N
12/06/2001 Fast Track Trade Authority bill N
07/19/2001 China Trade Relations bill N
07/20/2000 Cuban Economic Embargo Amendment Y
07/20/2000 Cuban Travel Embargo Amendment Y
06/21/2000 WTO Withdrawal resolution Y
05/24/2000 U.S.-China Relations Act of 2000 N
05/04/2000 Africa Free Trade bill N
08/03/1999 Economic Assistance to Vietnam Y
07/27/1999 China Trade resolution N
03/17/1999 Steel Import Limitation bill N
09/25/1998 Reciprocal Trade Agreement Bill N
07/30/1998 Vietnam Trade Waiver Disapproval resolution Y
07/22/1998 Disapproval of 'Normal Trade Relations' Status w/ China N
03/11/1998 African Growth bill N
11/04/1997 United States-Caribbean Trade Partnership Act N
06/24/1997 China Most-Favored-Nation resolution N
Transportation Issues
Date Bill Title Vote
07/24/2007 Funding Reduction for the National Railroad Passenger Corporation Account, Amtrak
and Other Services Y
07/29/2005 Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users NV
03/10/2005 Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users N
04/28/2004 Highway Trust Fund Programs Extension bill Y
04/02/2004 Highway Trust Fund bill N
10/30/2003 Aviation Administration FY2004-2006 Authorization bill N
07/10/2002 Arming Pilots Against Terrorism Act Y
11/16/2001 Federalize Aviation Security bill N
09/21/2001 Airline Industry Financial Assistance bill N
06/15/1999 FAA Reauthorization bill N
05/22/1998 Transportation Reauthorization bill N
04/01/1998 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program Amendment Y
04/01/1998 Transportation Reauthorization bill N
Veterans Issues
Date Bill Title Vote
11/21/2003 Department of Veterans Affairs Improvement Act of 2003 Y
10/08/2003 Veterans Benefits Act of 2003 Y
09/21/1999 Veterans' Millennium Health Care Act NV
Welfare and Poverty
Date Bill Title Vote
08/01/2007 State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) Expansion N
07/19/2007 Appropriations for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and
Education NV
07/12/2007 Section 8 Voucher Adjustments Act of 2007 NV
07/11/2007 Extension of Funding for Transitional Medical Assistance and Abstinence Education
06/11/2003 Welfare Reform bill N
02/13/2003 Welfare Reform bill N
05/16/2002 Personal Responsibility, Work and Family Protection Act N
All comments about Congressman Ron Paul's Voting Record, "Pro or Con", are welcome at the Trash Dispatch, and open for debate. However the Trash Dispatch reserves the right to delete any comments which it deems as inappropriate, off topic, or because I felt like it.
[Link] Trash Dispatch: Ron Paul - Ron Paul - RON PAUL! Who is this Guy?
[Link] Ron Paul: How a Fringe Politician Took Over the Web
[Link] U.S. Representative Ronald Paul, Texas Republican
[Link] Congressman Ron Paul's Voting Record at Project Vote Smart is in HTML form and can be searched.

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Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Republican Candidate Ron Paul's Voting Record
Posted by Trash Dispatch at 8/07/2007 08:28:00 AM -Permalink-
Labels, Tags, and Categories Candidates, Elections, Politicians, Politics
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For the record, The Trash Dispatch does not in any way support Congressman Ron Paul's assertion that we should just Bail-out of Iraq, and withdraw U.S. Forces from around the world. Some redeployment of forces may be prudent, however, keep in mind that in many areas around the world, American Forces are the only "sense" of security known to the people of a particular region. And to remove those forces, would destabilize the region. (of course, if you do not care about people like yourself who just happen to live in a different part of the world, then providing security for the oppressed, would not be a high priority issue for you.)
Also; the people of Iraq "deserve better" than to have promises made, only to be Betrayed when the American people lose their backbone to complete that which They, started. In deed, to back out of Iraq now would deal such a devastating blow to the American stature of Trust, that we might not ever recover, and in fact, create more Terrorism and Terrorist where there was none before. (not to be compared to the situation in Iraq as the increase in terrorist and terrorism could have been prevented with Over-Whelming Forces to Control the area until such time as the Iraqi gov could have taken hold "without contention".) Nevertheless, to betray the Iraqi people now, would be to betray ourselves around the world. ~TD
Addendum: If Rep. Ron Paul has a "plan", and not just for getting out but, for the establishment of a government that is "Of the people, By the people, and For" the people of Iraq to establish "themselves" as a viable entity able to care for itself and/or themselves; then shall I take note of Republican Ron Paul as a "viable" candidate.
Which not to say that I take ANY of the candidates, as viable candidate!
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