Trash Dispatch: Among Christians, (or maybe I should say, Many in the Christian community), preach rebuke of Harry Potter for reasons of "Sin, and Witchcraft", and "Sorcery", and "Evil Wickedness". But, in taking a closer look at Harry Potter himself, as a Person, and as a Child Abused by his "foster" parents, (and rival peers). We find that witchcraft in it's self, is nothing more than a "tool" that is used, by those who seek "Vengeance and Revenge". Oppps, I guess that does make witchcraft evil.
Or does it make the person utilizing sorcery and witchcraft, evil and Wicked?
I am of the latter, believing witchcraft and sorcery themselves, to be inert. And in reality, a deception ( a "Trick")as there is no Real power in them except, of course, for the "Power of deception", and the "Deception of power".
Which, if one was to take the time to Read the Bible instead of taking a "Preacher's word", for what it says. Then one would know, that the true "power" of witchcraft comes not from any "real" danger of harm. Nor does it come from the wizard's/witch's/magician's ability to "deceive". But rather, and in truth, as the Key to sorcery and witchcraft's "Power" lies in it's "Deception of Power", and as it's "Deception of Power", lies in it's "Power of "... no, not in the power of "deception", but rather in the power of "Perception". Then we can see that the true power of witchcraft, lies not in the wielder of such power. But in it's Victim's, own Fear!
Take Harry Potter's foster parents, for instance. They once bullied Harry. But now it is Harry who bullies them. No. Not in the "physical" sense, as Harry Potter's foster parents did him. But rather, in the "spiritual" sense, as they now "believe", Harry to be All Powerful. And even More so, to be "FEARED"!
And therein, is where the problem lies.
For as Harry Potter is feared not, because of his integrity. But rather, for of his Lack, of integrity. It is not the witchcraft that they fear, but Harry's reverence for "Vengeance and Revenge".
For as the bullied, has now become the bully. "I fear", and in spirit and deed "let us All fear". That should we say One Word, at which Harry Potter "might" become "offended". There will be HELL TO PAY!!!
And in deed, let us not Dare even look him in eyes. Lest he become offended, and Wave his Magic Wand and bring harm to us. ... Hmmm? You know what? I am SICK of being Terrorized! And I am TIRED of living in Fear! And now that I think about it. I can see where My Whole Life, has been filled with Harry Potter's. All seeking vengeance and revenge (for some abuse they've suffered in the past), and all vying to have their way, (as they "believe" they are being oppressed).
Sad really, that a person would allow "Ghost from the past", to turn them in to something they are not. Sadder still, is that they "do not know", what has happened to them. I mean, Harry Potter "actually thinks", he's doing "good". Bullying bullies, and terrorizing terrorist. And on the surface, it would "seem" as though those Are good things to do. Unfortunately, and because his eyes have become so Darkened by his own fear, and pain, and Fear of Pain. That which Harry can Not see, is that in the end, he has done nothing more than to become, "One of Them!!!" Them whom he Hates! And that, which he fears.
The bible is true then. For it is written,
"the Fear of the wicked, *it* shall come upon them."
.harry potter

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Monday, July 16, 2007
Trash Dispatch: Harry Potter's Magic "Trick"!
Posted by TrashCom1 at 7/16/2007 08:18:00 AM -Permalink-
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