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Saturday, June 16, 2007

CNN Reports: Conservative bloggers in full revolt over immigration

And I couldn't agree with CNN more. In fact, I hope and Pray that Bloggers everywhere climb on board to Defeat this illegal immigration bill. For if the Liberal Democrats and President Bush's Illegal Immigration Bill passes, it will be the END of the United States of America, as we know it.

And besides that. My granfather would kill me if he knew I had allowed this illegal immigration bill to be passed. But then again, he "was" a democrat. So I guess, he is partly the blame. Nevertheless, and for my own peace of mind, I cannot just sit by and allow this to happen without, at Least, doing Something!

And so I am Blogging about it. Hoping to "inspire" you the reader, to Call -And/or- Write, And/or E-mail, your Senator -And- Congressman, (as the Bill will be headed for the House next), and put a Stop to this Madness, before it has a chance to get "Re-started".

I mean Come On! "How is it Right, for a man to Give Up his home, just so some other guy can move in with "his" family?" And especially when, "I am just as impoverished as the next guy, so that my giving up my home so that the other guy can make it his home, is in No Way, an advancement in the war on poverty. Nor is it helpful to the Mexican Nationals who, have to work in a foreign country in order to provide for their families. In deed it puts undue stress on these families as this new illegal immigration Bill will make it so easy for illegal immigrate workers to bring their families with them that, they will be Forced to leave their HomeLand, in favor of a government that cares Nothings about their welfare, but only about their Vote!

Thus this "The Trash Dispatch", will be providing links to whomever (or is it "whoever"?) might cross this blog, that they might do that which is acceptable to their own conscious.


Oh, and "HERE" , is the [LINK] to CNN's report, "Conservative bloggers in full revolt over immigration"
Read it, and gain hope.

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