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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Why "nice guys" finish Last!

Daniel Miessler posted an article titled "The Nice Guy Paradox [Solved]".

In it, he states; "Most guys know about the nice guy paradox. It’s where they’ve been told since they were young — both by women and by society in general — that women like “nice” guys. And because they’ve been told this over and over, most guys grow up trying this approach only to have reality pee in their faces.

This bothers guys. A lot. Why would women claim to want someone who will treat them nice, but then repeatedly turn down or mistreat those that give them exactly what they want? Well, I have the answer, and like most major truisms it’s pretty simple:

Women like when guys are nice to them, but only when they don’t have to be."

And yet, this is only the beginning of his fallacy as he then continues saying;

"Most guys exclusively using the “nice” approach are doormats, and many are so because that’s all they can be. They lack the attributes to attract a woman based on pure gravity (physical size/strength/prowess, ambition, sexuality, intelligence, money, etc.). As a result, these guys are essentially forced to grovel to attract a mate, which is patently unattractive.

Quite simply, women like powerful men to be nice to them, not feminized pseudo-men. A weak man being nice to a woman is essentially an act of submission, like a beggar bowing his head and calling you sir. Sure, they were respectful to you, but they just asked you for money so it’s not as meaningful as if it came from a peer or superior.

To get the true benefit of “nice” in the way that women enjoy, one has to be able to attract that same woman without being nice, i.e. by the sheer force of masculine character. Only once that foundation of primal respect is in place can the higher-order offerings such as kindness be appreciated. It’s counter-intuitve and it’s unpleasant, but we’re dealing with nature here. Don’t fight the rules; to do so is as pointless as picketing gravity or boycotting inertia."

Trash Dispatch! Any man who thinks this crap, is obviously single, and searching for an answer to his own lack of desire by woman.

The truth is, woman don't even *think this way. Oh they may give lip service to the fact that a guy may or may not be nice. But it's got nothing to do with a man's politeness, or even with his masculinity. Hell, I've seen outright Bastards take and Abuse women, and with no more thought about what they're doing, than what she has of what he is doing. Because in the end, the Only thing that is in her mind, is, "I Can Fix him!", I can Change him!", and I can, "Make him MINE!"

You see, a woman, just like a man, needs to have Pride in herself. Unfortunately, and unlike a man who takes pride in his creations. A woman, because of what she sees Other women possessing, can only take pride in her Possessions.

Essentially therefore, there is Nothing "primal" about this. For while a woman seeks to "have", her possessions. A man, seeks only to play. It is also the reason most women wind up sleeping with the "Bad Boys" (who are generally abusers, and "not" primal as everyone knows that primates, and even the lowest form of bacteria; have more respect for each other, than do humans.) And as for the "Nice Guys", well, the nice guys finish last for no more reason than because woman don't want what they Can have, but what they Can't have! Which is directly attributable to the manner in which they were raised by their fathers.

Post Script: Yes, Daniel. Nice guys may end up as doormats, but then, what does that say about the women who use them as doormats, but that they are just as abusive as the men.

[link to Daniel Miessler's article

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