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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Trash Dispatch: Paris Hilton, and President George W. Bush

Trash Dispatch- Paris Hilton, and President George W. Bush.

Last Wednesday night, on ABC's "The Next Best Thing". The producers paired up amateur celebrity impersonators "Natalie Reid, as Paris Hilton", and "Jim Nieb, as President George W. Bush", in a comedy skit that was Mared with Boos and Hisses from a Hostile and HATE-filled audience of War Mongering Michael Moore Malcontents, who's only concern for the evening was in expressing their "HATE" for the President of the United States with Absolutely No Regard for how their HATE-Filled Sneers and Jeers" might effect the performance, and even the emotional health, of the amateur impersonators themselves. In deed, you could visibly see a wave of confusion and Emotional Stress overcome the performers, causing them to stumble in their performance, as they "gallantly" tried to continue their entertainment for both the Hate Filled Live audience, as well as the at-home Television audience, and ALL while at the same time trying to comprehend the apparent hatred of the Live audience, as being a demonstration of hatred against the personalities whom they were impersonating, rather than a hatred for the performers themselves.

Ask Any Comic, Actor, or stage performer, just how Tough it is to go out on stage and perform, and they will tell you that it is Nerve-Racking! And even nerve Shattering, when your performance is unacceptable by the audience, and you are "Booed" off stage.

In contrast, the performances given by both "Natalie Reid" and "Jim Nieb", while not of the same caliber as a performance by "Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor", was nevertheless a GOOD performance, which entertained me, and even made me laugh or, *would have made me laugh*, if not for the Boos and Hisses of a Hate-Spite-Filled, War-Mongering, Anti-social, and Socially Pathetic audience which, not only effected the performance of the performers, but the Enjoyment of the entertainment for the viewers at home, and even for those Abroad.

To whom, I might add. - The Trash Dispatch, "SINCERELY" Apologizes to the nations of Europe, and Asia, and of Africa, and Australia, and in deed to ALL the nations of the world, but especially to the Islamic Nations who see the Citizens of the United States of America, as being separate and apart from their government, only to find that it is in Truth, "the Citizens" of the United States who are Filled with the Hatred and Spite, even for their beliefs, and Not the United States Government itself! -

In truth and in Deed, as Our government is a government "Of the people, By the people, and For the people", it can do Nothing of itself, but only what "WE THE PEOPLE", Command it! And to that end, I suggest that it is not the government that needs to be reformed, but the Attitudes, and in deed the Hearts and Minds of the U.S. Citizens "themselves" that needs to be changed, as "somewhere" along the way, they have forgotten that the actions of our government, is nothing more than an extension of themselves.

Should we have Allowed the citizens of Iraq to remain under the Dictatorship of a Tyrant like Saddam Hussein? Well, according to Last Wednesday's night Live audience of the TV show "The Next Best Thing", ...YES!!! For who are we to give DAMN about our neighbors? Who are we to CARE about the POOR, and the OPPRESSED??? And who are we, to Stop the Invasion of Terrorist, into Iraq??? I mean, we've got our own Bitterness, Selfishness, and Malcontent to deal with.

And, Oh yes, I know that MOST of the people in the TV shows live audience VOTED in Favor of Liberating the citizens of Iraq. But I also know that that is Exactly the reason that "Democracy" in the Holy Bible (and maybe even in the Koran), is portrayed as a "Woman"! As when push comes to Shove, *she will Always Change Her Mind*!

So you see my dear friends abroad. While our "intentions" were Good, our backbone was/is weak. But then, you already knew all of this, didn't you.

{ Trash Dispatch Note: "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction". And to "that" end, I HATE, those who Hate!!! And those who participated in Wednesday's night's Shaming of the performers, their performances, and of the government of the American people, should be taken out and Fed to the Swine from which they come. Period, end of story. }

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Anonymous said...

The Bush was actually John Morgan. Not Jim Nieb

Anonymous said...

However, I thought Jim was pretty terrific too!

Trash Dispatch said...

Wow Anonymous! It appears as though you're absolutely Right! Hmmm? Will have to double check my sources on this one. Thanks!

By the way, would you happen to know where I might find a clip of "John Morgan" and Natalie Reid's closing performance? (the one where they are being booed.)

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