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The Trouble has Started!
"Real Free Speech"
The democrats have taken over and with Your help!
How can people vote for:
No Plan at all?
With the dems at the helm YOU are now 100% guaranteed to:
1. Pay more Taxes!
Don't you pay enough already? I do!
Dems will now have more of YOUR money to spend!
2. Look like the weakest country in the world!
They will cut and run to save money!
Dems will now have more of YOUR money to spend!
3. Reinstate the Death Tax!
Your parent's money, YOUR money!
Dems will now have more of YOUR money to spend!
4. Have more Liberal Judges!
Letting criminals get away with Raping America!
Costing you more money!
5. Open the flood gates to Illegal Immigrants!
Cause YOUR child not to be able to get a Job!
Costing you more money! And YOUR childs Future!
6. Stop Terrorist Surveillance!
Why not listen in to Terrorist conversations?
Will it be YOU that will be attacked in the next 3 years?
7. Have the biggest cry baby leader in Congress ever!
Nancy Pelosi will destroy America's integrity!
Possibly costing you YOUR life and YOUR child's life!
Well I hope you are all happy now!
If you didn't like the way Iraq was going. The right thing to do was
change Republicans in congress, not put dems in!!!
This should be a call for a third party in America!
With a third party there would be no "I want it My way" in congress,
there would be compromise in every bill. That alone would save us all from
self destruction! Each Party would then realize there is more than just a
"yes or no" answer to everything. They don't want a third party for that very
reason! They want it THERE way or NO way! Big ole spoiled cry babies, all of
I'm now looking for the financial support for Independents to win the
House, Congress, and the White House in 8 years! To do this we must
start NOW!
Any and all multimillionaires that care about America should join
together now for the GOOD of ALL OUR FUTURE!
~Gary R~

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Thursday, November 09, 2006
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......the art of peace is medicine for a sick world.......morihei ueshiba.
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