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Thursday, November 16, 2006

PBR: America Died on Tuesday! "Election Day"

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America Died on Tuesday! "Election Day"
by anonymous

Yesterday was the first day of my life that I woke up not being proud to be an American. Tuesday we sent a strong message to our brave soldier, the world, and the terrorists that we are afraid and are not the strong nation they thought we were.

The America I knew and grew up with was a strong nation; one looked up to by the world. I remember right after 9/11 the nation really came together, as I would drive down the streets of town; I saw more flags waving than ever before. The whole mood of the country was one of unity, of resolve to right the wrongs. I was so proud!

But then what happened???
We let the liberal politicians and media pollute our thinking. We became a divided country. What do you think would have happened to us in World War II if we would have acted like we do now?

Back then, the people knew we had a common goal, and everyone joined together to accomplish it. There were differences, but those differences were put aside for the greater good of the county.

What do you think the terrorists would have thought if all they heard in the media was how America was going to keep kicking their asses day in and day out. I truly believe if we would have put up a united front, the fighting in Iraq would be close to over by now and our brave soldier would be on their way home, with their heads held HIGH. And most of all we would have sent a very strong message to the terrorists that America is no one to mess with!!!

The worse thing we can do is give the terrorist a TIMETABLE.
Think about it... try this: Tell someone to hold a book in their hand, with their arm extended out horizontally. Tell them to hold it as long as they can. Then try it with someone else and tell them to hold it for 3 minutes, and let them watch the clock. When you know the end is in sight you can endure much more.

We all need to work together now, wake America back up!!!!

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