The problem with Bush, is simply that No One, stands behind him. No One, backs him up! Otherwise, this war would have been over by now, and everything would be ok. "Oh", but you say... George Bush is Wrong! His actions embarrassing and even evil.
uh hu. Have you ever had a friend to tell you that he would back you up, and then Didn't? Because if you haven't, then it must have been obvious that your cause wasn't worth the commitment. And in truth, that you have never had a cause that was worth committing to. But regardless of "your" shortcomings; the truth of the matter is that, "in the beginning", 85-90% of the American people committed the country as a whole, to following Presdent Bush's leadership, even into war. Especially into war.
So Proud and Anxious we were, to take up arms against even the "threat" of violence, that we cast our vote with President Bush, and then RAN back to our homes, and under our beds!!!
I don't know. Maybe I'll write more on this later. But for now, I'm just too SICK!!!

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Tuesday, October 17, 2006
The problem with Bush
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