I can not express how sad I am that the Rebulicans have not only FAILED us, the "Citizens of the United States", but have BETRAYED us as well. I guess we, "I", should have seen it coming back when the first Bush administration sold us out with the creation of "NAFTA", and even before then when over 200 Marines were MURDERED in Lebenon, and the so-called "Great President Reagan", did Nothing!!! Oh, well I mean, he did pull our troops Out of Lebenon, in a "Cut and Run" policy. And the Iranians did release the 52 hostages when Reagan was voted into office, although, I am now suspicious of the reason for the release. But other than that, what did Ronald Reagan do for us besides cut our taxes, and make us, "feel good"?
Ok, so the Berlin wall fell, but I'm not so sure that was a good thing as the Russians and Americans use to have a Respect for each other that went beyond a fascade. And in deed the whole rest of the world respected both the Americans and the Russians as being the Dominate world powers. But, not anymore! Now in fact, both Russia and America are being Attacked by a group of Muslims who have declared both countries "Immoral"! And with the psychopathic, pedophelic acts of Republican Florida Rep. Mark Foley, who can blame them.
Disgusting, Dispicable, and Damnable, are words not strong enough to describe what he has done. And worse still, is what the Republicans are doing, or have Tried to do, which is to "Cover-up" the sinful, criminal acts, of Republican Florida Rep. Mark Foley.
I really just can't speak anymore on this subject as it "Makes Me Sick" to think of the Power, and FEAR, this Congressman held over a "16yr old CHILD"!!!
But I will say this; "With the "attempted" cover-up, there is now BLOOD on the Hands of the Entire Republic House." And as *Blood begets Blood*, the Republicans will PAY for what they have done! (at the election polls, of course.) In deed, not one Rebublican shall recieve My Vote! And I, I am ashamed to say, have voted republican since Reagan. But never again, and never more. I am tired of being played like a fool. Tired of being decieved. I am Tired, of being RAPED!!!
You can read more at the "WorldNetDaily" in Joseph Farah's article, "GOP Unworty of governing". It is articles like his that is the reason the Trash Dispatch sponsors WND's RSS Feed. However, since I just didn't feel his article took the Republican's Betrayal of our Trust quite far enough, I wrote this article.
Nuff said, except that, you may ask: "What is the difference between being Raped by Republican, or being Raped by a Democrat?" And the answer is, one is by choice, the other is by deception.
And as a final word; "What this country Really needs, is a Revolution!" Or even, just a revolt against the two party system would do as, "No man, can serve two masters. ~Jesus Christ". And neither my friend, can any country! ~TC

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Monday, October 02, 2006
Gay Old Republicans
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