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Sunday, February 06, 2005

Yahoo! News - Americans Wary of Stocks for Social Security -Poll

Ok, So! The 50% of Americans who fear the new system, can opt out, and Risk recieving Nothing!

Politics - Reuters

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Fifty-six percent of Americans think the stock market is too risky for Social Security (news - web sites) funds, according to a Newsweek poll released on Saturday.

The poll signaled a tough sell for President Bush (news - web sites) as he promotes his plans to change Social Security and allow workers to shift part of their payroll taxes into private stock and bond accounts.

The 56 percent who were wary of putting retirement money into the stock market contrasted with 36 percent who said such investing was a 'necessary risk to improve the rate of return of Social Security funds.'"

SOURCE: Yahoo! News - Americans Wary of Stocks for Social Security -Poll: "Sat Feb 5, 8:09 PM ET

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