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Friday, January 07, 2005

Torture, and Abu Ghraib

From Yahoo News,
Jury Seated in Abu Ghraib Abuse Case
With seemingly obvious evidence, how can a jury find charles Grainer anything but Guilty in the torture of the prisoners at Abu Ghraib? Except that, what is not so obvious, is that "IF" these prisoners were terrorist, or insurgents, or even if they had "threatened" an American, then, why were they Not being tortured???
I mean, Why must I live in Fear, simply because the ACLU believes that the terrorist have a Right to Terrorize and to Kill, while I have Not the right, to defend myself and family by whatever means possible or at the very least, by the same means by which they terrorize me and mine???

And who is it, that says that "I" or the United States Cannot torture and kill, but those who would torture and kill me, and You?

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