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Sunday, January 30, 2005

Dancing with a Purple Finger, and a Great Big SMILE!!!

As I sat down to watch the Iraqi elections,
I had visions of terrorist attacks, suicide bombers, and Thousands Dead.

And indeed, even before the elections had begun,
a report of a rocket fired at the U.S. embassy in Bagdad, killing 2, injuring 5.

But then, as if Allah Himself had been watching over the elections and Taking Names.
A video appeared, taken by a U.S. Drone Spy Plane, that watched the Terrorist Insurgents as they fired the rocket and then ran to a nearby house where, they were promptly arrested. Was this an omen of the violence that was to come?

Like the rest of the world, I sat in Anticipation,
Waiting for the upcoming blood bath.
But as the polls opened, and the day progressed, Nothing!

No Bombs, no murders, no blood.
I stayed awake as long as I could, but it was like watching grass grow. Voters, did not pack the polls early, but instead, took the time for breakfast and perhaps, a mourning "stretch". After all, it was a New Day in Iraq. A day when Iraqis everywhere, would determine their own destiny. A day to be relished, and not hurried.

Three and a half Hours into the election, I went to bed.
Maybe by mourning there would be something to watch.

Waking early, I tuned in my favorite news channels expecting to see blood.
But instead, what I saw was,
Dancing in the streets, Purple Fingers, and SMILES!!!
They had done it!
And Iraqis now FREE, were celebrating!

No terrorist Dared show his face on the streets, this day in Iraq.
Tho they did manage to show their true color, "Yellow"!!!

Yet not to be belittled or forgotten,
Senator "JOHN KERRY" came out in Support for the terrorist saying;
"The elections mean Nothing!"
And Senator "TED KENNEDY coming out earlier this week saying;
"Let's Skrew the Iraqis, Support the terrorist, and get the hell out of there!"

So now let's see. That's "JOHN KERRY", and "TED KENNEDY".
And both elected by what state?


That's, the state of "Massachusetts".
A state that Obviously, is not so united with America, or Iraq,
or with anybody but themselves, and of course, the Terrorist. Which reminds me.
Did not at least One of the planes which crashed into the World Trade Center on 911 come from Massachusetts? Hmmm? I think maybe this bares investigating. I will check on that and get back to ya.

In the mean time, I shall rejoice both for and with the people of Iraq,
and for Our Elected President, President "George W. Bush".
For Only he, had the resolve, and the faith to believe, both in the American People,
and in the Iraqi people themselves.

Something that the Democrats, just can not, or will not, understand.

Thank God for Republicans, and President "GEORGE W. BUSH"!

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