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Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Mitt Romney Fails

Well it looked pretty good after the first debate. And if you were a Republican, the second and third debates weren't so bad either. But as time marched on, and ended on the night of November 5, 2012. It became all to evident, that Mitt Romney failed to convince the voters that he was any better, than Barack Hussein Obama.

Though not yet "officially" called. As of 10:00PM central Daylight Time, and even ealier. It now appears Barack Obama will remain President of the "Not So United States".

Maybe it was Romney's constant flip-flopping. Or the people's hatred for the rich. Maybe it was the people's own greed and selfish want for entitlements. Or maybe it was because of a woman's need to have sex with a Good looking man.

What ever it was, and however way you look at it, one thing is for sure.

America, has changed.

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