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Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Swine Flu Epidemic, that wasn't.

The Swine Flu Epidemic,
that wasn't.

Oh but it will be if our government has anything to do with it. Thousands of Infected Mexicans are streaming into Texas, and Governor Rick Perry says, "Not a Problem". And why should it be when he plans on using State and Federal facilities to treat these carriers of death. Not to mention giving them Your highways.

On the Federal side, we're not faring much better as this president seems to be set on continuing the Bush Policies of Open Borders, and No Defenses. Not to mention the Bush Bail-Out policies, the Bush Tax & Spend policies, and.. you know what i mean.
Welcome, to the New World Order! The New Hope!

The Great Swine Flu Manipulation!

Not just a local government experiment this time but World Wide manipulation of the people's minds and fears, has Egypt ordering slaughter of 300,000 pigs. (Which is really strange as the Muslims don't eat pork.)

School closings in major cities when one child simply sneezes. Or plays hookie claiming "I'm Sick".

But hey! It gives an otherwise Bored blogger something to write about so, I guess it ain't all bad. ;) And it keeps our minds off the economy, and away from out guns and religion.

So just what Really went on in that G20 meeting I wonder? Is this but the beginning?

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