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Thursday, August 02, 2007

Scuba Diving, Searching for Bodies under the I35W Mississippi River Bridge

Trash Dispatch:

Even in the summer time the water is "Cold".
And it gets even colder,
when you know what you have to do.

Search, for bodies.

You try not to think about it. You just do it.

Equipment check:
Air? Good.
Tank? Full.
Regulator? Check.
Mask, spit!
I ain't got no spit. Doesn't matter. It's a river. The water is cold, and muddy, and Fast! Just make sure you're "experienced"! And you know what to do in case there is, trouble.

Knife? Sharp.
Weight belt? Release? Check.

Now you're ready. You think.

Oh yeah! One more thing.

Whatever you do, "Don't Panic"!
Don't Panic.
Don't panic,
as your head goes beneath the water.

There are things that Rescue Divers survive, that most people could not even imagine. Like, Fishing Line, trot Lines, Hang-ups, and sharp objects that will tear through your protective gear like it were butter.

Snakes, Giant-size Catfish, Loch ness Monsters? None of those things even "Dare" to go where the Rescue Diver goes. For where the Rescue Diver goes, there is death. And lots, and Lots, of Fear!

But it doesn't matter. Somebody is in trouble.
Or there is a body that needs to be recovered.

So you go. And you search.
And for some reason, it always happens the same.

When you find a body,

it is always,

Face to Face!

Update: After writing this story, I read "this" over at the Captain's Quarters.

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