"Whether lying about raiding the biscuit tin, or denying they broke a toy, all children try to mislead their parents at some time. Yet it now appears that babies learn to deceive from a far younger age than anyone previously suspected."
Preface: The above quote is from an article titled "Babies not as innocent as they pretend", published at "http://www.telegraph.co.uk/", and "Dugg" by "http://digg.com/users/zaibatsu" a Digger at Digg.com, where the article is now being dug (commented on) by other "Diggers" in the community and where the "Trash Dispatch", posted the following comment.
"Ah, Ah, AhHahahaha, you wanna here something really funny? After reading this digg, I figured I too, would "digg it". And so I did! And that's when the number of diggs rolled over to "666". The number of a child. ...Oh well, Trash Dispatch: this article proves, or at the very least, "provides evidence" that the allegations made by the Bible are true. We, Are, All, "born into sin".
Further, and as the bible defines sin as "disobedience". The findings of this report clearly dictate that weather you believe in the Bible or not, who ever wrote it, must have done their homework. Read more at "http://trashdispatch.blogspot.com". "
Ok, so. TRASH DISPATCH: Revelation 12:4 "and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born." (KJV)
Women, are the first to "Deny" that "their" children could possibly be evil and/or wicked. And the first to make excuses when confronted with this issue. Saying things like "http://digg.com/users/aukxsona" said in her comment, towit;
"wow...I'm shocked. You know...I have 5 kids. I understand children are low down lying thieves that can't accept personal responsibility. I deal with it EVERYDAY. However, as a parent it is my job to make them "own it". I try, but they are rather good at lying. As I have five the blame game is very good for them. They just keep pointing to someone else until everyone has been blamed of something. Then I punish them ALL and send them to bed. Mean you betcha. But as long as they keep pointing fingers they are all going to get in trouble.
My third daughter caught onto this and now feigns ignorance even if something happens right in front of her. She usually doesn't get into trouble, since I can't prove she didn't know. (She does have a serious eyesight issue and won't wear her glasses.) My second daughter refuses to tell me anything, but starts crying the moment I have caught her...even if I don't know I have caught her. My eldest is a pathological liar and I have no hope for her. I expect to visit her in prison. I have tried everything in my power but can not figure out what makes her tick. My little ones are too small yet to have serious repercussions for this...as their lies are mostly attention cries...which isn't really a lie at all."
---Note; "Lies aren't really Lies". ---
And in another comment by "http://digg.com/users/vroom101";
"I would urge caution in reading too much into this article. When a baby cries, the parent(s) must pay attention because the baby is communicating. Now just what's being said requires a lot of observation and practice to interpret correctly. But to ignore it because it's so-called "deception" is wrong. In fact I don't believe this is deception or deceptive behaviour. Babies, infants, and young children require, and often demand, lots of attention -- that's normal. And parents should give it to them with generous and open hearts when asked for it and when even the child doesn't ask for it."
--- Again we see, "sin isn't really sin, it's "normal". ---
Note; I do not know if either one of these comments were made by women, or not. Nevertheless, I figure it's a safe bet.
The best comments - and again I'm betting - came from men like "http://digg.com/users/RRJackson" who wrote;
"There is nothing as evil as a child. Period. Until someone has the life experiences to actually understand why it's important to at least try to accept responsibility for your actions there's nothing they won't do. No lie they won't tell. No unpleasant thing they won't consider if it means deflecting blame. People have kids who don't have a clue what those concepts mean to their own lives and have no idea how to instill those values in their children, too. Maybe I'm a little too cynical about it, but children are almost all pathological liars. When you meet one that's been raised right anymore it's like you just found the living Buddha."-
And in another post by "http://digg.com/users/mitch77";
-"RRJackson is somewhat right, however they are not evil. What they are is perfectly selfish. And this is to be expected as they are aware of only themselves and their needs. The 2 greatest errors made when raising children today are 1) Underestimating the child's ability to learn, understand and obey. & 2) Failing to force compliance. No rational person would had over control of anything to someone who is perfectly selfish, but many parents do just that. Children should only be allowed to impose their will when they demonstrate the maturity to do so selflessly. There was a lady named Moody who raised 11 children by herself in a dirt floor shck. Every one of her children became great people (Ambassadors, University president, etc) When asked by the Chicago Sun Times what her secret was she told them she never allowed her children to to be willful. She spanked it out of them if they tried it. I have been a personal and family counselor for over 30 years and can tell you a fact that you can verify with any psychiatrist, psychologist, pastor etc. there are a lot of really messed up folks out there, abused, and or raped children grow into wounded adults, BUT the absolute most flaky and damaged group of people you will ever meet are those who got no correction, no punishment, no discipline. The guy who was beaten regularly by his drunken parent for no good reason will not be half as twisted as the one who got nary a slap. This will hold true 99% of the time. If you love a child you must force them to act right. Do NOT threaten. Tell them once and punish if you are not obeyed. If you don't you are lazy and selfish and you will be repaid for your lack of oversight when they get older. We home schooled our 1st (a foster child) and she got a full ride to Wash U in St Louis - the #1 hardest school in the US to get into). We have 4 of our own now (girls 18 & 15, boys 13 & 10) and they are all A students (we insist), have all 4 been ranked at least 3rd in the US in their sport (they don't get to go unless they keep grade up). And are all exceedingly happy. They get along so well we have to yell at them at night because they are all laughing together. We forbid bickering. They would not dare smart off to mom or me. They do not EVER throw fits (we allow each child one fit in their life - they never go there again). They do many chores and hard labor for NO allowance. They raise their own money to travel for their sport paying for food, gas, hotels, entry fees, etc) consequently they are more dedicated than most of their peers because it was not given to them. They hardly ever watch TV and when they do we preview most everything (no longer applies to 18yr old). I could tell you dozens of stories of peoples amazement and comments about our kids...total strangers seeing them interact in a public campground coming and asking "Do your kids always play together like that?", even a family court juge came to us for advice. I will tel you one story; I had to be in a sort of big yard sale arena place for an entire day, sitting between rows of table as thousands strolled by. Another man at the next table observed my children for about 6 hours and suddenly said."I have to talk to you" "OK" He said "I am a people watcher, the only reason I come tho these is to observe people. I have 3 boys and they are all pretty good boys who are having successful adult lives now. But I have never seen kids like yours. The big ones are so patient with the little ones. They share everything. They help and watch out for each other. But the most amazing this is that whenever you tell them to do anything they just say 'Yes sir' and do it. Even when I know they can't possible want to do it they don't even sigh or roll their eyes! How did you ever do that? - end of story. Anyone can, and you can have the most incredible happy family life you can imagine. If I leave the house to go to the store there is about a 90% chance one or more of my kids will run to hug me goodbye (not just the girls either) and if they know I will be gone all day they swarm me. Same when I come back. IF they forget to kiss mom or I goodnight they will invariable come back down to do it. My eldest started college a year early and is getting straight A's and is being trained for the Olympic trials.. Your kids a blank slates with all the potential in the world. do not waste it. They can understand and obey before they are 6 months old. We never had anything like the 'terrible twos' at any age...not ever. People expect a puppy to understand "no" at a few months but not a human child....how stupid! If you love them make them better than you were. You are NOT a hypocrite to insist your kids avoid having your problems! Who is really such a fool that they say "Yeah well I was a junkie so I really can't oppose my kid messing with dope" Really? Well this applies to every one of your faults. My kids recite from very young, "It is better to die than to tell a lie". I am never ever promise them anything unless I am 100% certain I can and will make it happen. You can make them happy and successful for life if you create high standards and make them reach. They will thank you and love you forever. The best book ever written on child rearing is "Train Up A Child", by Pearls. http://tinyurl.com/o7yx"-
Trash Dispatch: As noted at the top of this post, "The Bible", already tells us not only how evil a child is, but how to Train the child in the direction it should go. And even that, to "Spare the Rod", is to "Spoil the child". Which I'm sure "http://digg.com/users/aukxsona" can and "did" attest to when she said,"I deal with it EVERYDAY".
In the final analysis, there are two truths that emerge from the "http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/main.jhtml?view=DETAILS&grid=&xml=/earth/2007/07/01/scibaby101.xml" report.
The first is that we are All, evil incarnate (666). And the second is that the bible is a truth that is true.
Oh, and there is, one other truth that seems to emerge anytime a child is threatened with the truth about themselves. And that is that, "Mothers Shouldn't Raise Children".
But then, "where are the fathers"?

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Monday, July 02, 2007
When Babies cry!
Posted by TrashCom1 at 7/02/2007 04:34:00 PM -Permalink-
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