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Sunday, July 22, 2007

Tree Huggers and Eskimos ban together to Raise Gas Prices!

How did I know the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals would be involved with this?

Here we go again.

Trash Dispatch: on Thursday July 19, 2007; the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ordered Shell Oil Corp. to stop its exploratory drilling program off the north coast of Alaska.

The order stated specifically, "Vessels currently located in the Beaufort and Chukchi seas shall cease all operations performed in furtherance of that program". The order went on to say the vessels "need not depart the area". But I mean come On! The only reason the halt was ordered in the first place, is to "Force the American citizen to Dig Deeper into their pockets thereby *further* depleting the savings of Americans, as the *true* intent of these Tree Hugging Fascist, is to Bankrupt the United States Citizen, and the Government of the United States of America (as if it isn't already), as they care Nothing for *humans* or even for "the beluga whale" (as they cite), but only for themselves as *failures* in a Free society. And as All they can see, is themselves. In their short-sightedness, they are forcing us All into "Poverty", and eventual "Bondage and Slavery" to foreign powers such as the NAU (North American Union), as America, can no longer stand on it's own.

And don't even think that this is what Shell wants. I mean, say what you want to about Shell. But the fact of the matter is that No One, buys more Gas, than a Free Citizen.


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