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Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Paris Hiltons" Mug Shot! (and Others!)

The Hilton Trash. But all jokes aside, the truth is, "Everybody" either wants to Be Paris Hilton, or they want to Sleep with her.

True, I never liked Paris Hilton from the first time I saw her on that TV show she "use-to" have where, it was easy to see that she was/is so self-absorbed that she treats the "little" people, as though we were TRASH! Which, hey, I can understand that. Except that, in Paris's case, it is not enough to treat people as trash, but as Slaves also. (A trait obviously inherited from her parents.)

Go get me "this", and go get me "that". "Jump up." "Bend over!" Paris Hilton is truly, a person who cares Nothing for her fellow man. (and or woman, to be Politically correct.) ...Which brings to point, "Why should she care???" I mean, look around. With the world, and particularly America, in a spirit of self-destruction, it would Foolish of Paris to allow herself to care. And Paris, if your reading this (after you get out of jail that is), don't think that The Trash Dispatch is actually defending you. Or even being "nice" to you. No, The Trash Dispatch is simply, and Honestly, trying to make a buck at your expense. So please, don't send me any money with a Thank You, as I will take it! And for God's sake, Please don't offer me your family fortune if I will marry you. Because I will take the Hilton Family Fortune, and You Too!!!

But again, and with All kidding aside, the Biggest problem with Paris Hilton is, ...from time to time, she has a flash of humanity. (That's why she got drunk in the first place.) And it is for that reason, that The Trash Dispatch is flashing it's humanity with some pics of, ...well, shall we say, Like-Minded people. (Just to keep you company while your in the Slammer, darling. ~TC

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