Many politicians are coming out of the works. Oddly it is those who feel most "assaulted" by conservative talk radio. No considerations are taken for liberality of television and main-stream media, but instead efforts are focused on Radio. A Free market enterprise in which more "liberal" efforts to reach the constituency have failed.
Trash Dispatch: The above is part of an article published at the WorldNetDaily, and "Dugg" by "dbwood" at "". Many comments were posted at Digg about this article, and you can read them "Here".
Unfortunately the content of some of the comments failed to address the seriousness of the "Fairness Doctrine', and of it's potencial threat against of Our Freedoms, even as bloggers. I have posted my comment below, and will write more on this New/old threat to American Free Speech, soon.
My Comment:
Do not be deceived. And do not be complacent. Now that the Illegal Immigration Amnesty Bill has been defeated, the governments next move will be to Silence all those who had a hand in it's demise. And that includes Blogs and Bloggers, as well as Radio Talk Shows. Even "Digg", could be effected as these very comments that "We the People" post to these political, and especially Electorial news reports/blogs, would have to be Moderated to include more Liberal views of our politicians, and of governmental control.
This issue is made even More dangerous by the fact that Many do not take this issue seriously. In deed some, are even Joking about it. And I say that, without meaning any offense to those who do joke about it, it's just that, I never in my life, would I have figured President Bush would ally himself with a bunch of liberals in an effort to destroy this country's sovereignty. So please forgive me, if I Can't laugh with you. But I don't trust them anymore. Not even the ones I voted for. [END]
Thanks to "dbwood", for Digging up the WorldNetDaily article.
Other articles on the "Fairness Doctrine" include;
read more | digg story

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Friday, June 29, 2007
Kerry for Fairness Doctrine
Posted by TrashCom1 at 6/29/2007 12:33:00 AM -Permalink-
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