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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Chuck Norris: "If I'm Elected President."

Chuck Norris: Karate Master, Movie Star, American Hero, and now Columnist for the WorldNetDaily, has published in "his column" at the WND, a whole List of Promises "if", he is elected President.


I remember the first time I saw Chuck Norris (imdb), he played the bad-ass American Karate Champion in the Kung Fu movie, "The Chinese Connection", where martial artist Legend Bruce Lee, Kicked Chuck's Ass!

Eeow, Too Bad, Chuck! And just as a note, the movie was called the Chinese Connection at the time I saw it -at the "Drive-in Theater". Not that any of you young whipper-snappers will know what I am talking about, but nevertheless, there you have it.

But Chuck, has now moved on (after being killed in that movie), and has now published, as I said, "If I'm Elected President", over at the World Net Daily. His article includes a whole list of Campaign Promises such as;

  • Increase jobs in America by sending ninja teams to sabotage and steal them back from other countries.
  • Cut spending by dismissing the Secret Service, at least for my eight years in office (why would I need them?)
  • Turn the Rose Garden into a new fighting ring for the World Combat League, in which liberals and conservatives will fight for legislative leadership and priority. (For fun, Saturday night fights will feature a recurring bout between Hannity and Colmes). "American Idol" already told me they will provide the entertainment.
  • Resurrect Bruce Lee and appoint him head of homeland security (OK, the CIA and FBI too)
Ok, so maybe resurrecting Bruce Lee is a bit much. But Still, I bet Mrs. Lee could do a better job than the Skrew-Ball Head we got now!

At any rate, Chuck goes on to make other campaign promises, "HERE"!

And just as a side-note; Chucks article has made Top Ten on the Digg List!


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