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Saturday, May 26, 2007

Please Excuse My Trash!

I have just initiated a New 3 Column Template Design, and it's giving me a fit!
Got more Bugs and Flies than a Trash Can!

But if you will please bare with me,
The Trash Dispatch! will soon be looking Pretty again.

P.S. If you have any design suggestions, post your comments.

EDIT: Ok, the 3column template I was Trying to implement, Didn't Work! So now I am taking the Lighthouse template (created by David Bowman) and modifying it with code I found at The "other" template I was using (won't mention any names), skrewed up my Adsense. And, as everyone knows, you gotta have Adsense. So here we go again. Feel free to Laugh at my expense. I am.

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