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Friday, January 14, 2005

Muslim Trash: Why I Read the Quran

In my quest for the truth, I read the Quran. I needed to know if my religion, Christianity, was the Right one, or the Wrong one.
Meaning no offense to Christians, Christianity, or even to Jesus Christ himself. As a man, a Mortal man. Blind Faith is just Not good enough for me as my time on earth is so Short, that I Have to KNOW, that that which I would Spend my life on, is Real and True, and not just some Hopeful Fantasy, as life lived in a fantasy, is a Waste!
And so I read the Quran with the Hope of finding the Truth.
However, what I found was,TRASH!!!

Not a book of "Love thy Neighbor", but rather a book of Hate your neighbor; the Quran is dedicated Not to Educating you "about a god", but rather, to Enslave you "to a god". And that god, is Lucifer. Incognito of course. Coming to us as an Angel of Light; Lucifer's intent since the beginning of time has always been to spread Discord throughout the kingdom. He does this quite simply, and easily, by telling you that you have been Decieved and Lied to! That in fact, God's only intent, is to Victimize and Abuse you. To Oppress you. And to keep you Subserviant to Him. And strangely enough, I found this same "pattern" of speech in the Quran.

In fact, I was Astonished! Here was the Quran, a book that is Supposed to educate me about God, instead, telling me of a man called "Jesus", and of how he, Jesus, had Decieve and Lied to me. ... Now, in the first place. I find it both strange and Disturbing when a "Holy Book", a book that is supposed to tell me about God, telling me instead, about a "man" (Jesus). Who supposedly, at least according to the Quran, was a Fake, a Liar, and a Deciever, and that I had been Ripped Off, and that I should be Pissed Off, and that my anger should be directed towards Jews, Christians, and Infidels, as they are not even Human anyway. Which, is what led me to the conclusion that the Quran, is Trash! And should in fact, be condemned as Hate Speech.

The Attacks in the Quran against Jesus, are the Same as those you would hear in a Political Campaign. And as We All Know, their is nothing more Hateful, nor more Decietful, than a political campaign. Therefore as much as I note the "Campaign for Power" in and by the Quran, so too I note the Lack thereof, in both the Christian and Jewish Bibles. Neither of these books even make mention of Allah or Mohammed. Much less try to Convince you that have been Victimized by them. In Fact, I can also tell you, that you will not hear the Quran's kind of Hate speech, even in the Satanic Bible. I Know. Because I read that too!

For more, read Allthings2all: Why I Read the Quran

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