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Monday, January 24, 2005

Iraq Election Big Test for Bush Mission

Iraq Election, BUSH'S Mission? It's an Iraqi mission.
Why is it the Iraqis are always left out by reporters like TOM RAUM of the Associated Press when it comes to deciding their own fate? How is it NOT, an Iraqi Mission? Does TOM RAUM of the Associated Press also think that the Iraqis are incapable of governing themselves? Well read it for yourself------

WASHINGTON - President Bush (news - web sites) had barely put away his tuxedo from the inaugural festivities when deadly bombings in Baghdad presented a stark reminder of the grim backdrop against which Iraq (news - web sites) will hold a national election.

The vote this coming Sunday to pick a 275-member National Assembly is an important test for Bush's mission to spread democracy through the Middle East."

LINK:Yahoo! News - Iraq Election Big Test for Bush Mission: "By TOM RAUM, Associated Press Writer"

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