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Thursday, December 13, 2007

Neighborhood Sex Parties draw complaints

The Cherry Pit

Trash Dispatch:
DUNCANVILLE, Texas - The most popular address on Cedar Ridge Drive is Jim Trulock’s split-level home, which has a group sex room and attracts as many as 100 people to swinger parties featuring “Naked Twister” nights.

But the festivities could soon be over. In response to neighbors’ complaints, the city has outlawed sex clubs in residential areas. Citations have been issued, and search warrants may be next.

“It’s crazy that they want to force their morality down our throats,” said Dawn Burton, 45, a regular guest at the parties. “We’re all frustrated.”

So are those who complain of the noise, traffic and parking problems that occur in their otherwise quiet, upscale neighborhood every Friday and Saturday, when Trulock’s home is transformed into “The Cherry Pit.” -
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The above is an excerpt from an AP (Associated Press) article, at YahooNews. Interestingly, the neighbors of “The Cherry pit”, do not complain on Moral issue. But rather, on issues of Safety, and General Nuisance Laws. Of course, what choice do they have when issues of morality, are no reason to judge or condemn your neighbor.

The facts of the matter, is that there are Many of these suburban, and even urban, sex party residences. Possibly even coming to a home next door to you? Question: “Would you complain?”

In deed, the Duncanville Texas residents are not complaining about the “morality” of residential sex clubs. But rather, they are complaining about all the Traffic and Noise. Which, brings up another question.

What if someone bought up a whole block of houses, maintained a Private road access, and put a referee/Host in each home? Hmmm? Eat your heart out Las Vegas Chicken Ranch.

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