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Monday, January 24, 2005

Iraqis Capture Senior Aide to Zarqawi

This may or may not be BIG!-

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq (news - web sites) announced the capture of a senior aide to leading militant Abu Musab al-Zarqawi on Monday, hours after Zarqawi claimed responsibility for a suicide car bombing near the offices of Prime Minister Iyad Allawi.

The interim government said it had seized Abu Omar al-Kurdi, accused of masterminding some of the country's worst car bombings, in a raid in Baghdad nine days ago.

It did not say why it had waited until now to announce his capture. Privately, one government official cast doubt on the significance of the arrest and said its announcement was a bid to boost the government's popularity ahead of Sunday's election."

LINK:Yahoo! News - Iraqis Capture Senior Aide to ZarqawiBy Luke Baker

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